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The oppression of any people for opinion’s sake has rarely had any other effect than to fix those opinions deeper and render them more important.
DEBATE: What can really be done to eliminate child marriage?
Give your own ideas on the following problems:
· What age do you think is the most acceptable for marriage? Why?
· What is the perfect age for:
- leaving home?
- starting work?
- maybe, changing work?
- starting physical training and keeping fit?
- beginning drinking alcohol?
- falling in love?
- having children?
- quitting work?
- having grandchildren?
· Do you agree that education is the most effective in efforts to eliminate child marriage?
· Is there such a phenomenon as ‘gender gaps in education’ in your country?
· Give your opinion about discrimination in general and give examples of it from your own life, or somebody you know, or from the books you have read.
Connecticut funny laws
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 891 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!