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Consequences of child marriage

There are numerous detrimental consequences associated with Child marriage, with physical, developmental, psychological and social implications.

When a child bride is married she is likely to be forced into sexual activity with her husband, and at an age the bride is not physically and sexually mature this has severe health consequences. Child brides may also suffer vulnerability to AIDS.

Child marriage also has considerable implications for the social development of child brides, in terms of low levels of education, poor health and lack of agency and personal autonomy.

The cyclical nature of early marriage results in a likely low level of education and skills, increased vulnerability to abuse and poor health, and therefore acute poverty.

It is a huge responsibility for a young girl to become a wife and mother and because girls are not adequately prepared for these roles this heavy burden has a serious impact on their psychological welfare, their perceptions of themselves and also their relationship.

Women who marry early are more likely to suffer abuse and violence, with inevitable psychological as well as physical consequences. Studies indicate that women who marry at young ages are more likely to believe that it is sometimes acceptable for a husband to beat his wife, and are therefore more likely to experience domestic violence themselves. Violent behavior can take the form of physical harm, psychological attacks, threatening behavior and forced sexual acts including rape. Abuse is sometimes perpetrated by the husband’s family as well as the husband himself, and girls that enter families as a bride often become domestic slaves for the in-laws.

Child marriage is a violation of human rights and is prohibited by a number of international conventions and other instruments.

Article 16 (1) of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 says: Men and women of full age…have the right to marry and found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending parties.

Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages, 1964: Article 1, No marriage shall be legally entered into without the free consent of both parties, such consent to be expressed by them in person…as prescribed by law. Article 2, States Parties to the present Convention shall…specify a minimum age for marriage (“not less than 15 years” according to the nonbinding recommendation accompanying this Convention). No marriage shall be legally entered into by any person under this age, except where a competent authority has granted a dispensation as to age, for serious reasons, in the interests of the intending spouses… Article 3, All marriages shall be registered…by the competent authority.

African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, 1990: Article XXI, Child marriage and the betrothal of girls and boys shall be prohibited and effective action, including legislation, shall be taken to specify the minimum age of marriage to be 18.

A number of articles within the Convention on the rights of the Child, 1989 hold relevance to Child marriage.

Child marriage is an issue that cannot be solved in isolation as it results from a complexity of social, cultural and economic dimensions and widespread gender discrimination. Repeated studies have shown the important role that education must play in efforts to eliminate child marriage. Research by UNICEF shows that the more education a girl receives, the less likely she is to be married as a child. Improving access to education and eliminating gender gaps in education are therefore important strategies for ending the practice of child marriage.



Marriage has a serious impact on their psychological welfare. – Брак оказывает серьезное влияние на их психологическое здоровье.

Child marriage is prohibited by a number of international conventions and other instruments. – Ранние браки запрещены рядом международных конвенций и другими актами.

They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and its dissolution. – Они получают равные права на заключение брака, во время брака и при его расторжении.

with free and full consent of the intending parties – с добровольного и полного согласия обеих сторон

to grant a dispensation – дать разрешение

cannot be solved in isolation as it results from a complexity of social, cultural and economic dimensions – не может быть решен в отрыве от комплекса социальных, культурных и экономических областей

domestic slaves for their in-laws – домашние рабыни для родственников со стороны мужа.

(a)Answer the following questions:

1) What consequences are associated with child marriage?

2) Nobody hesitates about physical consequences of child marriage in view of physical and sexual immatureness and vulnerability to AIDS and suchlike diseases of child brides, but aren’t development consequences more tragic? Give your comment.

3) Does a huge responsibility for a young girl to become a wife and mother mostly lead to all kinds of psychological and mental problems?

4) Do you agree that women who marry early are more likely to suffer abuse and violence with inevitable psychological as well as physical consequences?

5) Do you agree with the study that women who marry at young ages are more likely to believe that it is sometimes acceptable for a husband to beat his wife?

6) What are the features of violent behavior?

7) Are there any international human right instruments concerning child marriage? What do they say?

8) What can be really done?

(b)Translate the following word combinations into English in writing:

устранить дискриминация по половому признаку; возможность получать образование; практика ранних браков; социальная, культурная и экономическая области; повсеместно распространенная половая дискриминация; обеспечить свое собственное будущее и будущее своей дочери; воспринимается как единственный выбор для девочек; ратифицирован всеми странами, за исключением; имеют отношение к; все действия, касающиеся детей; должно быть уделено первостепенное внимание; физическое и умственное насилие; дурное обращение; при попечении родителей и опекунов; равные возможности; быть защищенным от вредных традиционных практик; обозначить минимальный возраст для брака; обручение и брак; должны быть зарегистрированы; компетентные органы; дать разрешение; юридически необязательная рекомендация; как предписано законом; согласие, выраженное лично; запрещается рядом международный актов; домашнее рабство; родственники мужа; насилие иногда учиняется семьей мужа; девочки, входящие в новую семью; скорее всего; угрожающее поведение; психологическое давление; суровые последствия; психологическое здоровье; вредные последствия; приемлемое для мужа; иметь серьезное влияние на; соответственно подготовлены; связанный с; низкий уровень образования; социальное развитие.

(c) Translate the following sentences in writing:

Ранний брак и помолвка мальчиков и девочек должны быть запрещены, и должны быть предприняты эффективные действия, включая законодательные, для установления минимального возраста для заключения брака 18 лет; во всех действиях, касающихся детей, во главу угла должны быть поставлены их интересы; дети обладают правом на здоровье, а также правом иметь возможность пользоваться услугами учреждений здравоохранения; дети имеют право на защиту от всех форм сексуальной эксплуатации и сексуального насилия; дети имеют право на защиту от всех форм эксплуатации, наносящих вред любому аспекту их благосостояния; ранний брак часто воспринимается как единственный выбор для девочек, и часто рассматривается родителями ребенка как способ обеспечить как свое будущее, так и будущее дочери; постоянные исследования показали важную роль, которую должно сыграть образование в устранении ранних браков.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 835 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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