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Главная Случайная страница Контакты | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! | |
The … of a chemical element … more than 2,000 years. Ancient Greek… conceived of the idea that some materials are more fundamental, or basic, than others. They listed obviously important …such as earth, air, fire, and water as possibly being such "elemental" materials. These speculations belonged in the …of philosophy, however, rather than science. The Greeks had no way of testing their ideas to … them.
…, a few elements were already known long before the … of the Greek philosophers. No one at that time called these materials elements or thought of them as being different from the materials we call …today. Among the early elements used by …were iron, copper, silver, tin, and lead. We know that early …knew about and used these elements because of tools, weapons, and …that remain from the early periods of human….
Another group of elements ….by the…, the … scholars who … to the early development of chemistry. These elements include antimony, …, bismuth, phosphorus, and zinc.
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Exercise 4: Find the right translation:
Are you free on (... Friday night)? | Я хотел бы пригласить вас (на танцы?) |
Would you like to go to (... a picnic on Sunday afternoon)? | Где мы встретимся? |
Let’s take a walk. | Ты бы не хотел сходить на выставку в следующее воскресенье? |
How about going to (... the movies with me this Saturday)? | Не хотите пойти с нами пообедать? |
Come whenever it is convenient for you. | Приезжайте к нам снова. Мы всегда вам рады. |
I’d like to invite you to (... the dance)? | Это звучит здорово. В котором часу? |
Do you want to go to (…the rock concert with me)? | Извините, но у меня уже другие планы. |
Sure, what did you have in mind? | Как мило с вашей стороны, что спросили. Я в восторге. |
That would be great, thanks. | Мне очень жаль, но у меня уже запланирована встреча. |
Come when you feel like it. | Придешь ко мне? |
That sounds great. What time? | Вы свободны в пятницу вечером? |
Will you be coming? | Приходите, когда вам будет удобно. |
Sorry, but I’ve already made other plans. | Приходите к нам. |
I’ll call for you at about … | Несомненно, что вы имеете в виду? |
Where shall we meet? | Пойдем погуляем. |
I was wondering if you’d like to go to the exhibition next Sunday. | Как насчет того чтобы пойти со мной в кино в эту субботу? |
How kind of you to ask, I’d be delighted. | Конечно, когда? |
I’m sorry, but I have a previous engagement. | Приходите, когда захотите. |
Come again. You are always welcome. | Не хотите ли вы пойти на пикник в субботу после обеда? |
Sure. When? | Я зайду за тобой около… |
Would you like to join us for lunch? | Хочешь пойти на (рок концерт со мной?) |
Come and see us (come over). | Спасибо, это было бы великолепно. |
Exercise 5: Make the dialogues according to the cases:
Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make similar one:
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 523 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!