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The world’s greatest chemist

Russian chemist, the youngest of a family of seventeen, born at Tobolsk, Siberia, on the 8th of February (New Style) 1834. After attending the gymnasium of his native place, he went to study natural science at St. Petersburg, where he graduated in chemistry in 1856, subsequently becoming privatdozent. In 1860 he went to Heidelberg, where he started a laboratory of his own, but returning to St. Petersburg in 1861, he became professor of chemistry in the technological institute there in 1863, and three years later succeeded to the same chair in the university. In 1890 he resigned the professorship, and in 1893 he was appointed director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures, a post which he occupied until his death.

Mendeleev's original work covered a wide range, from questions in applied chemistry to the most general problems of chemical and physical theory. His name is best known for his work on the Periodic Law. Various chemists had traced numerical sequences among the atomic weights of some of the elements and noted connections between them and the properties of the different substances; but it was left to him to give a full expression to the generalization, and to treat it not merely as a system of classifying the elements according to certain observed facts, but as a "law of nature" which could be relied upon to predict new facts and to disclose errors in what were supposed to be old facts. Thus in 1871 he was led by certain gaps in his tables to assert the existence of three new elements so far unknown to the chemist, and to assign them definite properties. These three he called ekaboron, ekaaluminium, and ekasilicon; and his prophecy was completely vindicated within fifteen years by the discovery of gallium in 1871, scandium in 1879, and germanium in 1886. Again, in several cases he ventured to question the correctness of the "accepted atomic weights ", on the ground that they did not correspond with the Periodic Law, and here also he was justified by subsequent investigation.

For his work on the Periodic Law he was awarded in 1882, at the same time as L. Meyer, the Davy medal of the Royal Society, and in 1905 he received its Copley medal. He died at St. Petersburg on the 2nd of February 1907.


The job acceptance letter should be to the point and positive, and should include the following:

§ Your Name

§ Your Address

Your City, State, Zip Code

Your Phone Number

Your Email

§ Date

§ Mr/Mrs (Full Name)

Job Title

Name of the Company

§ Address

City, State, Zip Code

§ Dear Mr/Mrs

§ Thank the employer for the job offer stating the full job title

§ Formally accept the job offer

§ Discuss the terms and conditions of employment - salary, benefits, work schedule, starting date. This is an opportunity to clarify your employment conditions and prevent any future misunderstandings

§ Highlight your appreciation and enthusiasm for this opportunity

§ Sincerely,

§ Your signature

§ Typed name

Exercise 15: Write a short job acceptance letter using the given above plan.

Exercise 16: Before translation make a back-ground analysis: einsteinium, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

Exercise 17: Before translation study the theory of translation – abbreviation:

Аббревиатура образуется от начальных букв знаменательных слов или словосочетаний. При их произношении по названиям букв ударение падает на последнюю букву. В английском языке наблюдается тенденция к сокращению любого термина. Русский язык значительно отстает в количественном отношении аббревиатур: то, что называется термином в русском языке, в английском языке превращается в аббревиатуру:

LK “left kidney” ‘левая почка’; RK “tight kidney” ‘правая почка’; LN “liquid nitrogen” ‘жидкий азот’.

Общепринято разделение аббревиатур на три больших группы: графические (T.S.T.H. “too sick to send home” - ‘не полностью выздоровевший для отправления из стационара домой’; H.B.D. “has been drinking” – ‘болен алкоголизмом’), лексические (airplane - plane, bicycle - cycle, examination - exam, doctor – docсинтаксические (gastric – gastric ulcer - ‘язва желудка’; cord – spinal cord - ‘спинной мозг’, vitals – vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration) - ‘жизненно важные показатели состояния здоровья’).

Многие словари фиксируют также устоявшуюся аббревиатуру (UNESCO, SOS, NASAлатинскую аббревиатуру(BID – bis in die – два раза в день; e.g. – exempli gratia – например, v. – vide - смотри, см.).

Основная задача аббревиатур – это экономия речи и письменного текста. Однако преимущества такой экономии хороши только до тех пор, пока аббревиатуры понятны собеседникам и их переводчику.

Для расшифровки сокращений применяются следующие основные методы:

1. Анализ контекста.

2. Использование словарей сокращений и других справочных материалов.

3. Анализ структуры сокращений.

4. Использование аналогий, кальки, полукальки.

Exercise 18: Find in the text the examples of abbreviation and analyze the methods of their translation.

Exercise 19: Translate the text:

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