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1. This question can _______________ (to answer) by this student at once.
2. A conference on “Water and its importance in our life” _______________ (to hold) at our Academy next week.
3. It _______________ (to prove) that water boils at 100°C.
4. Morphine _______________ (to isolate) from opium in 1806 by a famous Austrian scientist F. Serturner.
5. Water can _______________ (to separate) from the dissolved substances by distillation.
6. Our present knowledge _______________ (to contribute) by the collection of drugs and drug preparations of the past civilization.
7. The first instrument for measuring temperatures _______________ (to invent) on the base of boiling and freezing points by Celsius.
8. She _______________ (to wake) by a strange noise, but she didn’t get up.
9. Our exams in English _______________ (to mark) by the teacher this afternoon.
10. My keys _______________ (to find) in the street last Friday.
2. Translate the following words and phrases:
1. So simple a _______________ (соединение), and yet where there is no water, no life, intelligent or unintelligent, is possible. 2. The _______________ (гидриды) of some of the elements have the same molecular pattern as the water molecule. 3. Water is of a _______________ (своевольный характер) character, because its molecules have a specific arrangement and possess a pronounced ability to attract one another. Sometimes all that is known is that (лабораторные животные) _________________ performed poorly when their diets lacked a particular non-essential element. 4. The _______________ (температуры кипения) of these _______________ (соединений) are known to gradate from sulphur to its heavier brothers. 5. The _______________ (круговорот воды) recycles the earth’s valuable water supply. 6. The most abandoned compound in the human body is water, which _______________ (составляет) 45% - 75% by weight. 7. A _______________ (физическое изменение) do not mean a change in the composition and properties of the substance. 8. Water is our daily need and the absence of it causes _______________ (вредное воздействие) to our health, even leading us to death. 9. Water, being a _______________ (универсальный растворитель), can also clean our skin, mouth and mucous membranes, for hygiene purposes such as brushing the teeth and washing our hands. 10. When we lose too much water, this leads to _______________ (обезвоживание) which then gets worse when left untreated.
1.1. What is pH? Encyclopedic knowledge
1.2. Around the words Vocabulary (self-studying)
1.3. A cover letter Writing a cover letter
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1170 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!