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Главная Случайная страница Контакты | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! | |
Exercise 11: Answer the following questions:
1. Can you explain the importance of chemistry?
2. Why do chemists consider chemistry to be the most important subject in the world? Do you agree with the statement?
3. What does chemistry study?
4. How do you understand the term “macroscopic”?
5. How do you understand the term “microscopic”?
6. What properties of substances do you know? Can you give their definitions?
7. What can you tell us about elements?
8. What do you know about atoms?
Exercise 12: Make your own short report about chemistry and its relationship to other subjects.
Exercise 13: You know that many English words are polysemantic. Can you find equivalents to the following words:
identity | вопрос, дело |
matter | спонтанная взаимная симпатия; взаимопонимание |
nature | личность |
science | характер, нрав |
chemistry | мастерство, искусство |
There is good chemistry on the team. | спокойный, тихий нрав |
science of manners | умение вести себя |
What's the matter? | мастерство шахматной игры |
impetuous nature | Только человеку свойственно желание хорошо жить |
serious matter | добродушие, дружелюбие |
It's only human nature to want to live well. | Игроки команды отлично понимают друг друга |
placid nature | установить чью-л. личность |
science of chess | важный, серьёзный вопрос |
good nature | бурный, порывистый характер |
to give attention to the matter | Дело в том, что… |
to establish smb.'s identity | уделить внимание вопросу |
The fact of the matter is that | В чём дело? |
His identity was being kept secret | Его личность была засекречена |
Exercise 14:
Listen to the tape http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BnAyMsSk6g and:
1. Try to tell in Russian the main idea of the text;
2. What proper names are there in the text? What do you know about them?
3. Read the song together with the authors; try to give a short translation of it.
Go back to the time of ancient Greece
Back with my main man Democrit
Discovered a particle oh so small
Called it the atom, let's do the Ted Wall! (известный канадский ученый - физик)
Now skip forward a few hundred years
And we see Ben Franklin, who suddenly appears
Took some string, a key and a kite
Then he got struck by some light – ning!
The smallest of the particles, the electron
Discovered by a guy named JJ Thom (SON) (Томсон, Джосеф Джон)
He bent electrons usin' a cathode ray
Dis guy's mad smart he did work all day (all day).
Fast forward now to 1909
A guy named Millikan doin' an experiment so fine (Милликен, Роберт Эндрюс)
Droppin in some oil he discovered the charge
And the mass of an electron, that aint so large.
The discovery of this next double team
Radioactivity? Got nothin' on OG Whipp'd Cream
Becquerel and Marie Curie (беккерель)
They locked that up, they got that Nobel P.
Now in 1911 came a guy named Rutherford
Heard 'bout plum pudding, said that's absurd
Shone a light, in his gold strip there were crates
Looked and said yeah yeah, now what haters?
This next guy his name was Chadwick, (Джеймс Чедвик)
Found the neutron with radiation mad quick
He also helped to found that nuclear fission
Just look at the guy, he's a magician.
Next we move on to this guy named Bohr
Figured out the orbitals we all adore
Made some contributions to quantum mechanics
And done turned us all into chemistry fanatics.
Now back in 1950 came a guy named Soddy (Фредерик Содди)
Looked in the nucleus said hey errbody
Discovered something he called the isotope
Called all his friends they said that's mad dope
But now we've gone and saved the best for last
Our professor Dr. Wagner, he's a blast
Best chem. Professor, and don't forget it
Come on Dr. Wagner, we really need this extra credit!
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Exercise 15: Work with text according to our algorithm:
1. Read the title of the text. Particularize a key-word.
2. What can you tell about the text according to the key-word.
3. Read the text and underline the informative words and phrases.
4. Look through the text once again and formulate the main information.
5. Compose the plan of the text.
6. Make a structural and semantic scheme of the text according to the following points:
a) The aim of the text.
b) The context elements: main elements and secondary elements.
7. Ask your groupmates some questions.
8. Confirm the main idea of the text according to your own experience.
9. Tell your opinion about the information. Inform the group about some extra facts – make examples of similar facts.
10. Think and tell everybody about the benefit of the information.
11. How do you understand the title of the text?
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 837 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!