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Translate the following text from English into Russian

History of Advertising (beginning)

The word “advertising” derived from the Latin word reclamo – “to shout loudly”. Originally this word meant achieving the desire by “shouting” to attract attention, inform about the news, provide the information about sales of some goods.

The predecessor of modern trademarks was a brand of the handicraftsman, for example, on pottery, metal products, and etc.

The first printed advertisement appeared in England in the second half oа the XII-the century, and in 1622 the advertising received powerful “stimulus” after the first newspaper in English “Weekly News” had been published.

The advertising has reached the greatest growth since the XVIII-th century in the USA. This was promoted by some factors. First, American was leading during mechanization, as there was surplus oа the goods and necessity of their advertising. Secondly, the construction of a network of perfect roads has created an opportunity to deliver goods to village areas. Thirdly, the high level of literacy of the population promoted the growth of circulation of newspapers and magazines. Further the invention of radio and TV has become the new effective means of distribution of advertising.

Read the following text, translate the Russian words and word-combinations into English, consult the dictionary if necessary

Дата публикования: 2014-10-20; Прочитано: 488 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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