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Read the text and find what factors the content and forms of an advertising message depend on

In principle, the product’s message should be decided as a part of developing the product concept. The message expresses the major benefits that the brand offers. Yet even within one concept there can exist a number of possible messages. Over time, a marketer might alter the message without changing the product especially if consumers are seeking new or different “benefits” from the product.

In designing the message an advertiser will need to consider the following questions.

· What is the content of the message? This will depend on the type of the product and the market in which it is to be sold.

· Who is the receiver? The message may be directed at a particular group of the population, in which case it may have to be delivered in a particular way using a certain media.

· Who sends the message? Very often large firms use celebrities that they think are appropriate for the product.

· What is the timing and the number of messages? An advertiser has the choice between two approaches to an advertising campaign. It can be extensive, where the object is to reach as wide an audience as possible using different media. On the other hand, it can be intensive, where the object is to reach a particular group repeatedly (e.g. products such as lager, coffee, washing powder are advertised intensively on TV).

Thus, the basic content and form of an advertising message depend on several factors. The product’s features, uses and benefits affect the message’s content. Characteristics of the people in the advertising target – their sex, age, education, race, income and occupation influence both the content and the form. The choice of media also affects the content and form of the message. Effective outdoor displays and short broadcast spot announcements require concise and simple messages. Magazine and newspaper advertisements can include much detail and long explanations.

The message’s impact on the audience, however, depends not only on what is said but also on how it is said. Some ads concentrate on rational positioning and others on emotional positioning. American advertisements, for example, present some distinguishing features or benefits designed to appeal to the rational mind: “Gets clothes cleaner”, “Brings relief faster” etc. Japanese advertisements are more indirect and appeal to the emotional mind. An example was Nissan’s Infiniti car advertisement which showed not only the car but beautiful scenes from nature aimed at producing an emotional association and response.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-20; Прочитано: 462 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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