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Answer the following questions on the text

a. What types of mass media are used for advertising a product?

b. What functions does advertising carry out?

c. What kind of information does advertising deliver to the public?

d. Does advertising help the buyer? How?

e. What kinds of advertising are distinguished?

f. What is meant by informative advertising?

g. Does agitating advertising acquaint the buyer with the product or convince him to buy the product by different means?

h. What does safe advertising support and remind of? What methods are used here?

i. What functions does each kind of advertising fulfill?

j. Initial and safe advertising informs consumer about the improvements of the promoted goods, doesn’t it?

k. What is agitating advertising created for?

l. What function does it mainly implement?

Make up the summary of the text using the following words and word-combinations

a. advertising

b. consumer

c. seller

d. buyer

e. initial advertising

f. competitive advertising

g. safe advertising

h. to acquaint

i. skilful drawing up of text

j. selection of expressive words

k. to generate requirement for smth

l. to support adherence to smth

m. to carry out

n. to be aimed at doing smth

Talking Point

Дата публикования: 2014-10-20; Прочитано: 988 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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