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Plyometric exercise

- What kind of technique is plyometric exercise?

- Plyometric exercise is a technique that is being increasingly incorporated into later stages of the reconditioning program by the sports therapist.

- Does plyometric training include specific exercises that encompass a rapid

stretch of a muscle eccentrically?

- Sure. It followed immediately by a rapid concentric contraction of that muscle

to facilitate and develop a forceful explosive movement over a short period of


- You mean that the greater the stretch put on the muscle from its resting length

immediately before the concentric contraction, the greater the resistance the

muscle can overcome.

- That is so. Plyometrics emphasize the speed of the eccentric phase. The rate of

stretch is more critical than the magnitude of the stretch.

- What is their advantage in?

- An advantage to using plyometric exercises is that they can help to develop

eccentric control in dynamic movements.

- Could you tell me what plyometric exercises involve?

- Plyometric exercises involve hops, bounds, and depth jumping for the lower extremity and the use of medicine balls and other types of weighted equipment for the upper extremity.

- Is depth jumping an example of a plyometric exercise?

- You are quite right. An individual jumps to the ground from a specified height and then quickly jumps again as soon as ground contact is made.

- Do plyometrics impact the musculoskeletal system?

- Plyometrics tend to place a great deal of stress on the musculoskeletal system. The learning and perfection of specific jumping skills and other plyometric exercises must be technically correct and specific to one's age, activity, physical, and skill development

5.9. Translate the following into English.

При правильном использовании (When used judiciously), плиометрия

может явиться ценным вкладом (a valuable asset) в программу спортивной реабилитации. Большая часть функционирования нижней части тела в спорте (The majority of lower quarter sport function) происходит в тесной кинетической взаимосвязи (in the closed kinetic chain). Плиометрия нижних конечностей(lower extremities) является функционально эффективным самодостаточным упражне-нием (an effective functional closed-chain exercise), которое можно вводить (incorporate) в спортивные реабилитационные программы. Манипулируя (By manipulating) объемом, частотой и интенсивностью можно изменять программу в нужном направлении (can be advanced appropriately). Очень важно при использовании плиометрии соблюдать правильную прогрессию, чтобы не усугубить травму.

5.10. Study the following plyometric prerequisites.

STRABILITY TESTING Plyometric Static Stability Testing · Single Leg Stance – 30 sec. - Eyes open - Eyes closed · Single Leg 25% Squat – 30 sec. - Eyes open - Eyes closed · Single Leg 50% Squat – 30 sec. - Eyes open - Eyes closed    
  SIX CATEGORIES OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING · In-place jumping · Standing jumps · Multiple response jumps and hops · In-depth jumping and box drills · Bounding · High stress sport specific drills  

5.11. Give a talk on the text “Plyometric Exercise in Rehabilitation”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 368 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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