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The energy systems

Various sports activities involve specific demands for energy. For example, sprinting and jumping are high-energy output activities, requiring a relatively large production of energy for a short time. Long-distance running and swimming, on the other hand, are mostly low-energy production for a prolonged time. Other physical activities demand a blend of both high- and low-energy. These various energy demands can be met by the different processes by which energy can be supplied to the skeletal muscles.

  Jump-down exercises  
    Lateral bounding drills
5.7. Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate tense form.   1. The beginning plyometric program (should, emphasize) the importance of eccentric vs. concentric muscle contractions. 2. The relevance of the stretch-shortening cycle with decreased amortization time (should, be stressed). 3. Initiation of lower quarter plyometric training (begin) with low intensity in-place and multiple response jumps. 4. The in-     Lateral sliding activities
dividual (should, be instructed) in proper exercise technique. 5. The feet (should, be) nearly flat in all landings, and the individual (should, be encouraged) to "touch and go." 6. An analogy (would, be landing) on a hot bed of coals. 7. The goal (be) to reverse the landing as quickly as possible, spending only a minimal amount of time on the ground.

5.8. Act out a conversation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 335 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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