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V. Text II

PLYOMETRIC EXERCISES IN REHABILITATION   While the effects of plyometric training are not yet fully understood, it still remains a widely used form of combining strength with speed training to functionally increase power. While the research is somewhat contradictory, the neurophysiological concept of plyometric training is on a sound foundation. A successful plyometric training program should be carefully designed and implemented after establishing an adequate strength base. The effects of this type of high intensity training can be achieved safely if the individual is supervised by a knowledgeable person who uses common sense and follows the prescribed training regimen. The plyometric training program should use a large variety of different exercises, since year-round training often results in boredom and a lack of motivation. Program variety can be manipulated with different types of equipment or kinds of movement performed. Continued motivation and an organized progression are the keys to successful training. Plyometrics are also a valuable asset in the rehabilitation program after a sports injury. Used after lower quarter injury, plyometrics are effective in facilitating joint awareness, strengthening tissue during the healing process, and increasing sport-specific strength and power. The most important considerations in the plyometric program are common sense and experience.  

5.1. Listen to the text “Plyometric Exercise in Rehabilitation”.

5.2. Read and translate the text.

5.3. Answer the questions.

1. Is it all clear with the effects of plyometric training? 2. How wide is it used?

3. What forms of training does it combine? 4. What is the aim of plyometric training? 5. What is contradictory here? 6. What kind of foundation is the neurophysiological concept of plyometric training on? 7. After what should a successful plyometric training program be designed and implemented? 8. How can the effects of this type of high intensity training be achieved safely? 9. Why should the plyometric training program use a large variety of different exercises? 10. What can program variety be manipulated with? 11. What is the key of successful training? 12. How valuable are plyometrics for rehabilitation programs? 13. When are plyometrics especially effective? 14. Which are the most important considerations here?

5.4. Find the English equivalents for the following.

воздействие, полностью/целиком, сохраняться/оставаться, широко исполь-зуемая форма, сочетать/комбинировать, хотя научные исследования кое в чем противоречат, концепция, здравая/правильная основа, успешный, тщательно составленный, воплощать в жизнь, устанавливать, достигать, безопасный, находиться под наблюдением, компетентный, здравый смысл, следовать, предписанный, режим, круглогодичный, приводить в результате к, скука, утрата мотивации, разнообразить программу можно при помощи, непрерывная/ длительная мотивация, ключ, ценный вклад, подвижность суставов, способство-вать, укреплять ткани, опыт, важное соображение/обстоятельство

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 307 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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