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The goal of plyometric training is to decrease the amount of time required between the yielding eccentric muscle contraction and the initiation of the overcoming concentric contraction. Normal physiological movement rarely begins from a static starting position but rather is preceded by an eccentric pre-stretch that loads the muscle and prepares it for the ensuing concentric contraction. The coupling of this eccentric-concentric muscle contraction is known as the stretch-shortening cycle. The physiology of this stretch-shortening cycle can be broken down into two components: proprioceptive reflexes and the elastic properties of muscle fibers. While both of these components work together to produce a response, they will be discussed separately for the purpose of understanding

4.1. Listen to the text “Biomechanical and Physiological Principles of Plyometric training”.

4.2. Read and translate the text.

4.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What is the goal of plyometric training? 2. What does normal physiological movement begin with? 3. What is known as the stretch-shortening cycle? 4. What can physiology of this stretch-shortening cycle be broken down into? 5. Do both of these components work together or not? 6. Why will they be discussed separately?

4.4. Find the English equivalents in the text for the following.

цель, уменьшить, количество, требуемый, производить эксцентрическое мышечное сокращение, инициация, преобладающее концентрическое сокращение, редко, статический, предшествовать, нагружать, предварительное эксцентрическое растяжение, последующий /вытекающий из этого, соединение/спаривание, цикл растяжения-сокращения, можно разбить на, проприоцептивные рефлексы, эластичные свойства, мышечные волокна, так как оба эти компонента, создание рефлекса, с целью понимания

4.5 Insert articles if necessary.

1. In sports training and rehabilitation of athletic injuries, … concept of specificity has emerged as … important parameter in determining … proper choice and sequence of exercise in … training program. 2. … jumping movement is inherent in numerous sports activities such as … basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, and aerobic dancing. 3. Even running is … repeated series of jump-landing cycles. 4. Therefore jump training should be used in … design and implementation in … overall training program.

4.6. Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1. Peak performance … sports requires technical skill and power. 2. Skill … most activities combines natural athletic ability and learned specialized proficiency … an activity. 3. Success... most activities is dependent … the speed at which muscular force or power can be generated. 4. Strength and conditioning programs … the years have attempted to augment the force production system to maximize the power generated. 5. Since power combines strength and speed, it can be increased … increasing the amount … work or force that is produced … the muscles or … decreasing the amount … time required to produce the force. 6. While weight training can produce increased gains in strength, the speed … movement is limited. 7. The amount … time required to produce muscular force is an important variable … increasing the power output. 8. A form … training that attempts to combine speed … movement … strength is plyometrics.

4.7. Ask questions to the words or phrases in italic.

1. While the term plyometric training may be rel­atively new, the concept of plyometric training is not new. 2. The roots of plyometric training can be traced to eastern Europe, where it was known simply as jump training. 3. The term plyometrics was coined by an American track and field coach, Fred Wilt. 4. The development of the term is confusing. 5. Plyo comes from the Greek word plythein, which means to increase. 6. Plio is the Greek word for more, and metric literally means to measure. 7. The practical definition of plyometrics is a quick, powerful movement involving prestretching the muscle and activating the stretch-shortening cycle to produce a subsequently stronger concentric contraction. 8. It takes advantage of the length-shortening cycle to increase muscular power.

4.8. Act out the conversation below.

- What does plyometric training rely on?
- Effective plyometric training relies more on the rate of stretch rather than the length of stretch.
- Where should emphasis be put here?
- Emphasis should centre on the reduction of the amortization phase.
- What occurs if the amortization phase is slow?
- If the amortization phase is slow, the elastic energy is lost as heat and the stretch reflex is not activated.
- When is the response most powerful?
- The quicker the individual is able to switch from yielding eccentric work to overcoming concentric work, the more powerful the response.

4.9. Give a talk on the text “Biomechanical and Physiological Principles of Plyometric training”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 414 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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