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III. Oral Topic V

FLEXIBILITY   Flexibility is the ability to move a joint or a series of joints smoothly through a full range of motion. Flexibility is specific to a given joint, and the term good flexibility implies that there are no joint abnormalities restricting movement.
Flexibility may be limited by fat, bone structure, skin, connective tissue, ligaments, or muscles and tendons. Passive range of motion refers to the degree to which a joint may be passively moved to the endpoints in the range of motion, whereas active range of motion refers to movement through the midrange of motion resulting from active contraction. Measurement of joint flexibility is accomplished through the use of a goniometer. Stretching should be included as part of the warm-up period to prepare the muscles for what they are going to be asked to do and to prevent injury, as well as in the cool-down period to help reduce injury. Stretching after an activity may prevent muscle soreness and will help increase flexibility by stretching a loose, warmed up muscle. Strength training, if done correctly through a full range of motion, will probably improve flexibility.   Flexibility. Certain sports activities require superior levels of flexibility.

3.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Flexibility”.

3.2. Read and translate the text.

3.3. Answer the question on the text.

1. How do you understand the notion “flexibility”? 2. What does the term

“good flexibility” imply? 3. What may flexibility be limited by? 4. What is the difference between passive and active range of motion? 5. How is measurement of joint flexibility accomplished through? 6. Should stretching be a part of warm-up or cool-down period? 7. Why should stretching be included as part of the warm-up period? 8. Why should stretching be included into cool-down period? 9. Will strength training improve flexibility?

3.4. Match the words from both columns.

1. full range of motion a. плавно
2. strength training b. выполняется посредством
3. measurement c. болезненность мышц
4. joint flexibility d. заминка
5. tendon e. полная амплитуда движения
6. warm-up f. гибкость сустава
7. smoothly g. измерение
8. restricting h. сухожилие
9. muscle soreness I. связка
10. is accomplished through j. ограничивающий
11. ligament k. силовая тренировка
12. cool-down l. разминка

3.5. Change the italic words for those from the text.

1. Flexibility is the quality to move a joint or a series of joints smoothly through a

full range of motion. 2. Flexibility may be restricted by fat, bone structure, skin, connective tissue, ligaments, or muscles and tendons. 3. Measurement of joint flexibility is done through the use of a goniometer. 4. Stretching should be considered as part of the warm-up period. 5. Stretching after an activity may prevent muscle soreness and will help enhance flexibility by stretching a loose, warmed up muscle.

3.6. Complete the sentences with logical ending.

1. Strength training, if done correctly through a full range of motion, will probably …. 2. Passive range of motion refers to …. 3. active range of motion refers to …. 4. Flexibility may be limited by …. 5. Measurement of joint flexibility is accomplished through …. 6. Stretching after an activity may …. 7. The term good flexibility implies that ….

3.7. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  the antagonist muscle, good flexibility, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques, an agonist muscle, a goniometer, be limited  

1. … … … is one that contracts to produce joint movement. 2. The term … … implies that there are no joint abnormalities restricting movement. 3. … … … is stretched with contraction of the agonist. 4. Measurement of joint flexibility is accomplished through the use of … …. 5. Ballistic, static, and … … … … have all been used as stretching techniques for improving flexibility. 6. Flexibility may … … by fat, bone structure, skin, connective tissue, ligaments, or muscles and tendons.

3.8. Insert articles if it is necessary.

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