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Flexibility, muscular strength and endurance

I. Listen, read, translate and remember the key words and phrases on the unit.

a) treatment, evaluation = assessment, goal, injury, healing, response, tissue,

setting, swelling, edema, bleeding, amount, damage, exacerbation, failure,

delivery, fat, scar, approximation, wound, dressing, crust, scab, saturation,

vessel, matrix, bone, skin, knee, nutrition, framework, sequence, decision, sign,

recognition, awareness, inflammation, continuum, tenderness, by-product, pain,

ankle, phenomenon, fluid, bursa, joint, elbow, separation, ligament, fatigue,

hemorrhage, hip, cartilage, fracture, sprain, tendon, dislocation, disruption,

soreness, friction, inhibition, crutch, recovery, data, warm-up, elbow, cool-

down, restriction, psyche, procedure, compliance, flexibility, hamstring, trunk,

rotation, bending, contraction, degree, stiffness, looseness, maintenance, likelihood, strain, disorder, surgery, incision, contracture, gender, patient, measurement, device, complexity, goniometer, lever, resistance, property, endurance, overload, posture, weakness

b) to establish, to occur, to involve, to design, to implement, to supervise, to cause,

to retard, to inhibit, to impede, to manage, to tear, to delay, to promote, to age, to decrease, to overlap, to complain, to disappear, to restrict, to surround, to impede, to reduce, to subside, to achieve, to expedite, to seek, to remain, to agree, to bend, to recognize, to rely on, to attempt, to alter, to adjust, to assess,

to carry out, to avoid, to generate, to sustain, to imply, to accomplish, to benefit,

c) thorough, initial, subsequent, primary, previous, musculoskeletal, moist, acute,

encountered, responsible, immediate(ly), significant(ly), occlusive, tensile, connective, sound, inflammatory, proliferative, severe, irritated, surgical(ly), manual(ly), strenuous, excessive, simultaneous(ly), smooth, appropriate, essential, dangerous, dependent, average, sedentary, intrinsic, true, loose, extrinsic, repetitive, bouncing, alternating, capable, accurate, responsible, similar, undue, external, tremendous, explosive

d) thus, relatively to, twice as fast, except, in terms of, although, through, likewise,

via, therefore, furthermore, at least, either … or, regardless, due to, whereas

e) to be charged with; poor vascular supply; necrotic debris; synovial sheath;

DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness); buildup of lactic acid; initial first aid

and management technique; PRICE principle (protection, restricted activity,

ice, compression, and elevation); upper / lower extremity; to do no harm; therapeutic intervention; off-season conditioning; nutritional supplements; BMR (basal metabolic rate); SAID (specific adaptations to imposed demands); pain threshold; PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation); to take advantage; cross-sectional diameter of the muscle; full range of motion; heart rate; circuit training

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 340 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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