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Therapeutic exercise

The sports therapist is responsible for designing, monitoring, and progressing programs of rehabilitation for injured athletes. The goals for a sports medicine rehabilitation program differ from goals for other patient populations. The athlete must return to competitive fitness levels, and the intensity of the rehabilitation must be adjusted appropriately during the course of the program. The sports therapist has to understand the principles and techniques involved in reconditioning the injured athlete. The term therapeutic exercise is commonly used to refer to techniques of reconditioning. Hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy may be a beneficial form of exercise

2.1. Listen to the text “Therapeutic Exercise”.

2.2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Who is responsible for designing, monitoring, and progressing programs of rehabilitation for injured athletes? 2. Are the goals for a sports medicine rehabilitation program the same as the goals for other patient populations? 3. Why must the intensity of the rehabilitation be adjusted appropriately during the course of the program? 4. What does the sports therapist have to understand? 5. What does the term therapeutic exercise mean?

2.3. Find English equivalents in the text for the following.

составление, контроль и развитие программ; отличаться; техника восстановления; приспосабливать; уровень соревновательного фитнеса; по ходу программы; лечебная физкультура; травмированный спортсмен; пациент; обычно; соответственно

2.4. Retell the text “Therapeutic Exercise”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 342 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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