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Degrees of comparison of adjectives

There are three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative.

The positive form is the plain stem of an adjective (new, bright, clever, happy, pleasant)

There are two methods of forming the comparative and the superlative degrees: by adding the suffixes –er and –est or by using more and most before the adjective

The first method is used for

– monosyllabic adjectives

(new-newer-newest, bright-brighter-brightest);

– disyllabic adjectives ending in –er, -ow, -y, -le

(clever-cleverer-cleverest, happy-happier-happiest)

– disyllabic adjectives with the stress on the second syllable

A few adjectives have irregular forms for the degrees of comparison. They are:

good – better – best

bad – worse – worst

far – farther – farthest (for distance)

further – furthest (for time and distance)

near – nearer – nearest (for distance)

next (for order)

late – later – latest (for time)

last (for order)

Non-gradable adjectives do not admit of comparison at all (daily, empty, full, perfect, unique, upper)

Exercise 17. Form the comparative and superlative forms of degree, if possible.

Good, clever, serious, gay, nice, handsome, happy, bad, hot, interesting, tall, golden, warm, comfortable, full, clever, cold, far, near, short, kind, little, heavy, old, great, simple, narrow, new, bright, pale

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