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Articles with a special group of nouns

The noun ‘town’ may be used without any article if it means the centre or business part of a town, the opposition to the suburbs or to the village. In other cases it becomes a countable noun.


I thought he would be out of town next week.

The way to town took her a few hours because of traffic jams.

It’s the town where they first met.

My parents have moved and now they live in a small town

In general the nouns ‘school, college, hospital, prison, court, bed’ are used as a countable noun, however, occasionally they become a part of set phrases. In this case they express the purpose which the objects denoted by these nouns serve. For example thus school comes to denote studies, bed-sleep, hospital – treatment, prison – punishment. In this meaning the nouns are used without article.

NOTE: The use of a descriptive or limiting attribute destroys the idiomatic meaning of the phrase.


After lunch Dr Rally went off to the hospital.

How long were you in hospital with that wound?

They had a hospital in the town during the war.

When does school begin? – In a week.

He was sent to a secondary school.

Amanda went to the school to a parents’ meeting.

Exercise 8. Read the following phrases, explain the use or the absence of the article:


1. He finished to write his poem at midnight and couldn't do anything else but go to bed.

2. He drove into town and decided to stay in the hotel.

3. In our family there was a tradition to go to church.

4. She is already in college.

5. Next year he will be sent to prison.

6. In summer we usually go to bed at midnight.

7. He was in prison for 20 years.

8. Then he asked me who all the ladies at table were.

9. Every man should go to church.

10. My children go to bed at 9 p.m.

11. He was sent to prison last year.

12. We decided to meet in town not in his country house.

13. After this accident they are still in hospital.

14. When do you usually go to bed?

15. They have a weekend and they will be out of town tomorrow.

16. When will you mother come to the school to meet the teacher?

17. He will stay in hospital for 2 days more.

18. My son likes to go to school.

19. He went to college yesterday.

20. They will be in town next morning.


1. She told his friend that his best friend is still in hospital.

2. Every Sunday my grandmother goes to church.

3. He was sent to prison for murder.

4. Do you think you will be in town next week?

5. I asked him to tell me who all the people at table were.

6. As far as I know they divorced last year and sent their children to school.

7. That day she went to bed early but couldn't sleep for a long time.

8. I do not know in what prison he is.

9. How long were you in hospital with this flu?

10. My mum told me that she would be out of town next April.

11. Does your son go to school? No he is in the university already.

12. His brother said that he should be sent to bed at that very moment.

13. He said that he would drive me to town next afternoon.

14. "Do you go to church? "" Not so often".

15. At this moment he is in hospital and his condition is reported as being rather serious.

16. I was sent to the nearest school at the age of 6.

17. I really didn't know for what he had been sent to prison.

18. He said that he wouldn't be in town tomorrow.

Exercise 9 Fill in the gaps with the right article if necessary:

1. My aunt is still in _____ hospital.

2. In _____ few minutes he will go to _____ bed.

3. There is _____ school in this town.

4. Every Sunday my parents go to _____ church.

5. My father was well known all over _____ town.

6. I walked with my mum through _____ town.

7. She went to _____ prison to see her friend.

8. He is in _____ prison for robbery.

9. His mother went to _____ town where she was born.

10. I swung my feet off _____ bed.

11. My sister was dressed for _____ church.

12. I taught French and Latin at _____ local school.

13. He was sent to _____ school.

14. He was sent to _____ best school in the town.

15. _____ Church stood high on a hill.

16. Perhaps he was sent to _____ German prison.

17. She went to _____ bed early.

18. After lunch we went off to _____ hospital to visit our friend.

19. It's _____ new school.

20. When I came into the room I found _____ bed made up for me, and placed the candles on old-fashioned table.

21. Does your nephew go to _____ school? He is in _____ college already.

22. There is _____ hospital in the area. We have a good laboratory in _____ hospital.

23. The road to _____ prison was blocked by policemen.

24. Let's meet with you in _____ town not in the country.

25. He told to his friend that he would be sent to _____ prison if he were caught.

26. " Lucy," he said to his mother, " I must go to _____ church this morning".

27. Last month he was sent to _____ secondary school.

28. There used to be _____ table near that door.

29. In the morning I went as usual to _____ school.

30. Their family had _____ hospital in their house during the Second World War.

31. In the restaurant we had _____ table for reserved.

32. I thought he would be out of _____ town next month.

33. _____ bed itself was wide and very high.

34. I prefer to sleep on _____ bed not on _____ sofa.

35. Madame Charles sat at _____ table darning socks.

36. My mother went to _____ school to speak with _____ teacher about my brother.

37. They lived in the same part of _____ town.

38. This is _____ historic church in this part of _____ town.

39. When do your children usually go to _____ bed?

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