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Exercise 19. Answer the following questions using the superlative or comparative degrees

1. What's better, fruits or vegetables?

2. What was the latest news you've heard?

3. Who is the oldest member in your family?

4. Who is more beautiful, Monica Bellucci or Cameron Dias?

5. What weather do you like the most?

6. What is the most interesting book you have ever read?

7. Who is thinner, you or your friend?

8. Who is cleverer than you?

9. What is situated closer to your house Rostokino or Ostozhenka?

10. When do you have more free time in winter or in summer?

11. Who is the most serious student in your group?

12. Who is the nicest man in your group?

13. What is more comfortable, a sofa or a bed?

14. When days are longer?

15. Who is the most handsome in Hollywood?

16. Which subject is the simplest for you?

Exercise 20. Use the required form of the adjective:

1. This wine is the (good) I ever tasted.

2. He was the (late) man to come.

3. Margarett is the (clever) of the three sisters.

4. Uncle Ban felt (bad) yesterday than the day before.

5. She is (tall)of the two.

6. As far as I know, she was the (old) daughter of the family.

7. His sister is four years (old) than he.

8. The room is a little (long) than it is wide.

9. My son knows (little) than I expected.

10. She is the (good) in the group.

11. She turned out to be (angry) than I thought.

12. Is the situation really (bad)?

13. Which is the (near) way to that shop?

14. Today she is (wise) than the day before.

15. Your essay is no (good) than his.

16. It was the (pleasant) hotel I've ever seen.

17. When I met him he was (thick) than the year before.

18. Jane is a far (intelligent) person than all her family.

19. She is the (tall) girl in this class.

20. He gave he a (golden) ring.

21. Childhood is the (happy) period in life.

22. It is the (good) book I've ever read.

23. The (near) hotel is 5 miles away.

24. She is (smart) than he is.

25. This exercise was (simple) than previous.

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