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Exercise 65. Prepare reports on the following topics. Mind the outline for your reports

The problem of air pollution in the world

The essence of the problem

The reasons for the problem in Great Britain

The problem in Russia

The solutions to the problem

Your opinion of the best solution

The global problem of water pollution

The essence of the problem

The reasons for the problem in Great Britain

The problem in Russia

The solutions to the problem

Your opinion of the best solution

The problem of soil pollution in the world

The essence of the problem

The reasons for the problem in Great Britain

The problem in Russia

The solutions to the problem

Your opinion of the best solution

The damage caused by traffic in big cities

The essence of the problem

The reasons for the problem in Great Britain

The problem in Russia

The solutions to the problem

Your opinion of the best solution

The enviromental problems of big cities.

London and other big cities

Moscow and London cities traffic to compare

The solutions to the problem

Your opinion of the best solution

Genetically modified plants

What is it? When did it appear?

What are the arguments for this type of plants?

What are the arguments against?

What is your opinion?

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Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 507 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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