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Exercise 24. Answer the questions

Part A

1. What is your name?

2. Who gave you this name?

3. Where is the UK located?

4. When did the development of the UK started?

5. Does our country have sound economy?

6. Do you like to keep everything under control?

7. What responsibilities do you have at home?

8. What activities do you want to take part in?

9. Who supports you in a difficult situation?

10. Do you want to study economics in the University?

11. What do you do to make up for the lost time?

12. Where is the University located?

Part B

1. Can you locate mistakes in your written dictation?

2. Will you call your group mates by name?

3. Were you named after some relative? Whom?

4. Who has/had powerful, salutary influence on you?

5. What habits would you like to develop?

6. Do you have a sense of responsibility? Prove it.

7. Would you like to assume heavy responsibility?

8. Whom can you share the responsibility with?

9. Will you offer ardent support to the Communist Party during the coming elections?

10. Where does the name of Great Britain come from?

11. Where does the sphere of influence of the UK lie?

12. What are the countries with market economy?

13. What countries belong to the Commonwealth?

14. When do people take fancy names?

15. What can influence a person deeply?

16. Do you think people like to be under control?

17. When do children get out of control?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 551 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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