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Syntaxis of a simple sentence in English language

Simple sentences are independent clauses. They always contain a subject and a predicate.

Rule 1: Simple sentences can be very short, consisting of only one word (a noun) for the subject and one word (a verb) for the predicate. The noun is called the simple subject, and the verb is the simple predicate.

Mary laughed.

Rule 2: Simple sentences can be long, although they still consist of one subject (a noun and modifiers) and one predicate (a verb and other elements). The noun is called the simple subject, and the verb is the simple predicate.

The tall, good-looking boy with the curly blond hair laughed uproariously at his best friend’s suggestion.

Rule 3: Simple sentences can be declarative, negative or interrogative.

You can shop at the mall on the weekend. (declarative)

You can’t shop at the mall on the weekend. (negative)

Can you shop at the mall on the weekend? (interrogative)

Rule 4: Simple sentences can have a verb in any tense (past, present, future), mood (indicative or imperative), or voice (active or passive).

My friend shops at the mall on the weekend. (present)

My friend shopped at the mall last weekend. (past)

My friend will shop at the mall next weekend. (future)

You shop at the mall every weekend. (indicative)

Shop at the mall this weekend! (imperative; subject is “you” understood)

The next player at bat hit the baseball into left field. (active)

The baseball was hit into left field by the next player at bat. (passive)

Rule 5: The order of an English sentence is strictlt fixed. The subject is always at the first place at the beginning of the sentence. The predicate is always at the second place, right after the subject.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 792 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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