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Exercise 30. Provide Russian equivalents for the words or word combinations from the text given below

· the workshop of the world · industrialised nation · to maintain a balance of powers · an alliance · military might · global dominance · to undermine · the emergence of new powers · the impact of economic globalization · to be debated · to ally more closely with · multicultural society · to face global challenges · to carry serious consequences · inequality · a long-term national interest · the stable backdrop · a decade · competition · the risk that emanate · proliferation · weapons of mass destruction · the security and welfare of British citizens · comparative economic advantage · the power of nation-state · to allocate

Exercise 31. Complete the sentences using the information from the text.

1. The emergence of new powers such as the USA and Germany undermined….

2. The rapid changes of the world will affect ….

3. The role of Great Britain in the world has become ….

4. The stable backdrop has been provided by ….

5. Nowadays the country is more exposed ….

6. The country possesses important capacities, such as ….

7. In a world that is increasingly interconnected but less hierarchical, the UK has the potential ….

8. The UK’s future role in the world is ….

9. The British public influences the way of government. The public must be aware of ….

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 805 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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