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Exercise 17. Identify the subject and predicate in these simple sentences. Circle the simple subject and underline the simple predicate

1. My best friend in the whole world is coming over to my house to visit me this afternoon.

2. Who can tell me the answer to the question about the Civil War?

3. Several of the students were thinking about the final examinations in the history course.

4. At the stroke of midnight,the carriage turned into a huge orange pumpkin.

5. A really friendly old man with long white whiskers lives in the apartment above my aunt’s and uncle’s apartment.

6. Which of the following words in this list have been misspelled?

7. Where in the world did your sister put her purse and car keys?

8. Three beautiful little kittens looked up at me from inside a box of old clothes.

9. Several of her favorite romantic love songs were playing on the radio that afternoon in the park.

10. Cool,deep,dark blue water flowed through the rough limestone rocks in the gorge.

11. One hundred fifty five dollars is certainly a lot of money for a young person living with his or her parents.

12. The large red book sitting on the hall table was a dictionary published by an encyclopedia company in the United States.

13. The three girls carried back packs filled with books,food,candy,clothes, make-up, pens, paper, hairbrushes, and other assorted items.

14. I don’t remember the name of that tall, thin actor with the sparkling blue eyes.

15. Most of the time my classmates were wearing heavy clothes in the winter months.

16. Her left arm was badly broken at the wrist during the auto accident.

17. In 2020, the leaders of the nations of this planet will face many important environmental problems.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1476 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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