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Exercise 5. Read the sentences explain the use of articles. Translate the sentences from English into Russian

1. The USA is situated in North America and borders on Mexico and Canada.

2. The Dnieper is one of the longest rivers in Russia.

3. This country is situated in eastern Europe.

4. If you want to get from France to England you cross the English Channel.

5. My family spent their vacation in the Alps.

6. The Netherlands border on Germany and Belgium.

7. The climate in California is very hot.

8. Have you ever climbed Elbrus? Yes, and I have also climbed the Andes.

9. The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

10. The Gibraltar separates Europe from Africa.

11. Newcastle is a large city in the north-east of England.

12. What ocean separates America from Asia?

13. The Balkans is a group of islands.

14. The Alps is a mountain range.

15. Italy is a beautiful country.

16. Corsica and Crete are islands.

17. His family settled down in Washington.

18. Let's go to South America in May.

19. Have you ever been in the Philippines?

20. She is going to Germany.

21. When he returned twenty years later, he found a new America.

22. Kamchatka is famous for its geysers.

23. The Taimyr peninsular is a very cold place.

24. They visited a village in the Andes.

25. They went to the Philippines on their honeymoon.

26. The Republic of Korea is near Japan and China.

27. Have you ever seen Mount Fuji?

28. The Azores are a group of islands in the Atlantic.

29. She went to the United Kingdom to study English.

30. They drove round Corsica.

31. Australia is a really enormous place.

32. What countries share a border with Norway?

33. Greece gets very, very hot in the summer.

34. Baffin Island is part of Canada.

35. I've never been to the United States.

36. We went to the Republic of Ireland and stayed in Dublin.

37. She comes from the Netherlands.

38. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

39. She always loved skiing in the Alps.

40. He used to work in India.

41. I often go on holiday to the Canary Islands.

42. Does England have many big cities?

43. They loved visiting Serbia.

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