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Exercise 6. Complete the gaps with the definite article if needed

1. _________ Asia Minor is a part of _________ Asia between _________ Black Sea and _________ Mediterranean Sea.

2. We stayed in _________ Venice for fortnight.

3. The firm made loans to _________ Argentina and _________ Brazil.

3. Her ship nearly sank in _________ Pacific.

4. Where is _________ Belgium situated?

5. My brother has a wonderful house in _________ Greece.

6. They both stood for some time, comparing _________ Thames with _________ Seine.

7. _________ Everest is _________ highest mountain in the world.

8. He lives in _________ Buenos Aires.

9. She was a well-known mountaineer scaling _________ Andes.

10. They showed me pictures taken in _________ Swiss Alps.

11. On which continent is _________ Canada situated?

12. Walter Scott described _________ England of the Middle Ages.

13. _________ Sahara is a well- known desert.

14. Which river flows through _________ USA?

15. _________ Pacific is much larger than _________ Arctic or _________ Indian ocean.

16. Is _________ Mississippi longer or shorter than _________ Rhine?

17. _________ Portugal is a small country in _________ West of Europe.

18. _________ Mont Blanc is the highest peak in _________ Alps.

19. Who was the first to reach _________ North Pole?

20. Have you ever heard about _________ NATO?

21. Greece is situated in _________ South of _________ Eastern Europe on coast of _________ Mediterranean.

22. I like _________ Lake Ontario very much.

23. _________ City of _________ London stands on _________ river Thames.

24. The official name of _________ Holland is the state of _________ Netherlands or just _________ Netherlands.

25. We were on _________ Bermudas last month.

26. _________ Sahara is the biggest desert in _________ North Africa.

27. In what country of _________ Northern Europe is _________ Hague situated?

28. Last year I visited _________ Niagara falls.

29. He was born in _________ Kamchatka.

30. My mum likes _________ Virgin islands very much.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 996 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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