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Scientists have been searching for signs that mutations, triggering by the A-bomb blasts, had passed on to survivors’ children. A study of tens of thousands of parents and children, involved the investigation of several thousand genes which control the manufacture of proteins in the body, was carried out. Against all expectations, researchers, led by Professor James Neel of Michigan University, was found no sign that any new mutated genes, created by the blast, were passing on to offspring. But to their great surprise, the researchers did find evidence of other mutations, ones laid down by the ancient tribes that had established the cities - 6,000 years ago where Nagasaki was founded by the Jomon culture and Hiroshima by the Yayoi people. The Jomon and Yayoi evolving independently and carried genes that varied distinctively. Scientists found these genes still are persisting among modern Japanese. Nor is Japan alone in displaying its ancient genetic heritage so openly. Italy provides another striking example. By test blood groups and other genetically determined physical features, scientists have found significant differences between regions in the south, establishing by the ancient Greeks, and further north, round Orvieto, who was the centre of the Etruscan civilisation. In other words, the genes of ancient Greeks and Etruscans still flowing - noticeably - through the veins of modern Italians. 0 triggered
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Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 606 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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