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Функции герундия в предложении

Функция в предложении Пример Примечания
Подлежащее Expecting too much leads to frustration. It’s no use pumping a dry well (пословица)  
Часть сказуемого Seeing is believing. (пословица)  
Дополнение · прямое · предложное Science requires experimenting. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Герундий переходного глагола требует прямого дополнения
Определение · правое · левое   There is some reason for questioning this assumption. The flight was delayed; passengers had to wait for flying weather in the waiting room of the airport.   a) Определяет только отвлеченные существительные с предлогами: of, for, in б) Образует устойчивые сочетания с неодушевленными существительными.
Обстоятельство 1. времени 2. образа действия In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between fact and hypothesis. By doing nothing we learn to be ill. Перед герундием в функции обстоятельства всегда употребляется предлог.

Герундиальный оборот состоит из герундия и стоящего перед ним притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном или общем падеже.Герундиальный оборот может выполнять те же функции в предложении, что и герундий.

· Dr. Blume’s being appointed head of the Department was quite unexpected. (подлежащее)

· The offer is worth your thinking over. (часть сказуемого)

· They objected to the data being published before all the experiments were completed. (дополнение)

· Thomson investigated the possibility of these cathode rays being charged particles. (определение)

· We account for the incompleteness of a reaction by its being reversible. (обстоятельство)

**Упр.10 G.1 Определите функцию герундия в следующих предложениях.

1. Developing and marketing new drugs has little to do with pure science and everything to do with power and money.

2. With thought experiments, scientists can rely on pure reasoning to make discovery about nature, or to expose a paradox or inconsistency within accepted theories, without even lifting the tube.

3. The resistance to motion – or inertia – we feel when we try to push an object is a result of trying to make it accelerate relative to the distribution of all the matter in the Universe.

4. Hodgkin pioneered the use of computers to handle the complex mathematics involved in determining crystal structures by X-ray crystallography.

5. If a thing is worth doing at all it is worth doing well (пословица).

6. By working day and night he succeeded in finishing the job in time.

7. He was accused of leaking classified information to the press.

8. He has a scheme for making grass grow in winter.

9. Subtracting the vapour pressure at the existing temperature gives the initial gas pressure.

10. Spending analysis, including detailed studies of incidence of social benefits, is needed to show where adjustments will be less painful.

11. In elaborating his wave theory Fresuel made use of the idea of an elastic ether being able to transmit only transverse vibrations.

12. One should avoid making premature conclusions.

13. Driving much of the research is the need to find materials which can be used at temperatures higher than 1400 degrees C.

14. In 1984, Canon started using amorphous silicon as a coating on the photosensitive drums of its coping machines.

15. Getting rid of hazardous waste is becoming more expensive.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 757 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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