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Lesson 25

48. Give a more general word.

Example: pear, plum, cherry, apricot – fruit

a) carrot, potato, cucumber, tomato, cabbage – ______________

b) tea, coffee, juice, water – _____________

c) apple, banana, orange, strawberry, lemon, melon – _______________

d) soup, cheese, butter, bread, meat – _______________

49. Complete the chart below by adding the words in the list. Think of the meals you have every day and at parties.

fish vegetables herbs seafood fruit meat

Apple, cabbage, bacon, chicken, grape, lamb, mincemeat, cucumber, watermelon, pork, beef, lobster, cod, sausage, octopus, lettuce, pineapple, parsley, cauliflower, chop, coconut, beans, onion, walnuts, liver, strawberry, salami, potatoes, dill, carrot.

50. Answer the questions:

1. How many meals a day do you usually have? 2. Do you know how many meals a day the Englishmen have? 3. What is your favourite dish? 4. Are you a vegetarian? 5. Do you like spicy food? Is it useful for a health? 6. What kind of dish do you prefer: well-soiled or few-soiled? 7. Do you cook yourself? 8. Do you know the table manners? 9. Do you like to go to the restaurant or to have meal at home? 10. How often do you go to the cafe?

51. Read and comment on the following sayings.

1. One should eat to live, not live to eat.

2. Eat with pleasure, drink with pleasure and enjoy your life as it is.

52. Read the text and then answer the questions:


The national cuisine reflects the richness of traditions and folkways of Ukrainian people.

The most popular and well-known Ukrainian dish is surely borshch, an aromatic and appetizing cabbage soup of some 20 ingredients. It may be cooked with beef, chicken or pork, baked beets, beans and mushrooms. Borshch is served as the main course with pumpushki, soft rolls soaked in garlic.

Traditionally in the Ukrainian menu are varenyky, a type of boiled dumplings with various fillings (cherries, strawberries, fried mushrooms, curd, chopped liver) and golubtsy – cabbage rolls stuffed with minced meat.

Ukrainian cuisine has a variety of dairy meal as well as sweet pastry, including doughnuts, cakes and other cookies. The proud of Ukrainian people is wheat bread, sweet smelling and light.


cuisine – кухня pastry – кондитерський виріб

dumpling – клецка doughnut – пончик

1. What does the national cuisine reflects?

2. What is the most popular and well-known Ukraine dish?

3. How many ingredients are there in borshch?

4. What is the proud of Ukrainian people?

53. Change the sentences using not (Consult § 52).


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