Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Lesson 26

1. Brainstorming. a) Suggest your ideas to continue the following statements:

Our health depends on _________________________________________

Our health doesn’t depend on ____________________________________

What really matters for people’s health is ___________________________

To keep in good health one must get plenty of _______________________

The most important for children’s health is __________________________

To develop a healthy body one should ______________________________

b) Answer the following questions.

When does one go to see doctor?

When does a doctor give a patient sick-leave?

What must you do so as not to have complications after a cold?

How long does it take you to recover from a cold?

2. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

1) I’m sure his illness was caused by …

a) health b) overwork c) stamina d) fitness

2) They run every day to keep …

a) fat b) faint c) fit d) upset

3) If my toothache continues, I’ll see my …

a) optician b) vet c) dentist d) surgeon

4) He’s over 80, but he’s very … for his age.

a) tense b) active c) nervous d) uneasy

5) The nurse wrapped a … round my head

a) bandage b) plaster c) cream d) pain-killer

6) You can only get this medicine on …

a) description b) hospital c) allergy d) prescription

7) There was an … of cholera after the flood

a) upset b) infection c) input d) ache

8) The … operated on his appendix

a) therapeutist b) nurse c) surgeon d) pharmacist

9) It took me a fortnight to … my illness

a) lessen b) avoid c) neglect d)recover from

3. Read the words and word-combinations with their translation:

a patient – ïàö³ºíò

an ambulance – ìàøèíà øâèäêî¿ äîïîìîãè

a pain – á³ëü (îñîáëèâî ãîñòðèé)

ache – á³ëü (îñîáëèâî òðèâàëèé, òóïèé)

a toothache – çóáíèé á³ëü

a headache – ãîëîâíèé á³ëü

a cough – êàøåëü, êàøëÿòè

a cold – ïðîñòóäà

cold in the head – íåæèòü

a surgeon – õ³ðóðã

therapeutist – òåðàïåâò

drops – êðàïë³

a pill – ï³ëþëÿ, òàáëåòêà

to take medicine – ïðèéìàòè ë³êè

to bring down the temperature – çáèòè òåìïåðàòóðó

4. Speaking practice. Ask your partner if:

· He/she can take you to a doctor

· There is a doctor here

· He/she wants to consult a surgeon or a physician

· He needs a medical check-up

· He is allergic to any medicines

· It hurts him/her to move

5. Read the text and translate it.


Four days ago I suddenly fell ill. I had a splitting headache and a terrible cough. The temperature was 38,1 (thirty-eight point one). Besides my nose was closed up.

My mother telephoned to our district doctor and she came in an hour. She examined me, took the temperature, measured my blood pressure and said: “Nothing serious, just a flue. Keep your bed for a few days. Don’t go out or else you’ll get complications. Mustard plasters will be useful for you.”

The doctor prescribed me a gargle, a cough mixture and pills. She wished me good luck and went away. She was very busy because it was the epidemy of flue.

Four days passed. I followed all the instructions of the doctor and was almost well.

6. Read and retell the joke.

The patient was very sick. “Doctor”, he said “cure me and I’ll give you 50$ for the new hospital”.

It was very difficult but the doctor managed to cure the man. Some month later he ran into the man in the street and asked him:

“How are you?”

“Very well”, was the answer.

“I want to speak to you about the money for the new hospital”, said the doctor.

“Money for the new hospital?”

“You promised”, explained the doctor, “if you got well”.

“Did I? Now you can see how really sick I was.”

7. Choose the necessary proposition from those in brackets (Consult §48)

1. The train … Paris … Kiev arrives at 6 (till, from, to, since)

2. Will you give me a ticket … Glasgow? (from, to, till)

3. He is … a conference now (at, since, for)

4. I have been here … Monday (at, since, for)

5. It’s impossible … me (at, since, for)

6. Don’t be so rude and unjust … Mary (with, to, for)

7. She was trembling … cold and fever (with, to, for)

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-03; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 558 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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