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Lesson 21

22. Add the suffixes to form the names of professions dealing with different branches of learning, science or art.

Noun + - ist

Example: science – scientist

chemistry – ____________ linguistics – _____________ biology – ____________

physics – _______________ psychology – ____________

Noun + - ian

Example: mathematics – mathematician

history – _____________ music – _______________

politics – _____________ physics – ______________

Noun (verb) + er (or)

Example: construct – constructor

design – ______________investigate – _________ research – ___________

astronomy – ___________ engine – ____________

23. Read these definitions of different branches of science and match them with the names of sciences.

1) It is the science of life. It deals with the great diversity of life forms. 2) It is the science that studies the conditions of the habitat of man, animals and plants for the benefit of present and future generations. 3) It is the study of the ways in which language works. 4) It is the science of the stars. It deals with celestial bodies such as our earth, the moon, the sun, the other planets. 5) It is the science of mental life which studies human and animal behaviour. a) astronomy b) biology   c) linguistics d) psychology   e) ecology

24. Read and memorize the following words:

a venue – місце збору чи зустрічі

due to – завдяки чогось

to comprise – включати (до складу чогось)

research – дослідницький

an attainment – досягнення

an accomplishment – здобуток

to maintain – підтримувати

an inventor – винахідник

an invention – винахід

to design – проектувати

a creator – творець

to be widely used – широко використовуватися

hardly ever – дуже рідко, майже ніколи

corresponding member – член-кореспондент

25. Read the text and translate it.


In Old Rus monasteries were the first venues of sciences. A major such venue of the 18th century was Kyiv Mohyla Acadamy.

Much credit to the development of Ukrainian science is due to M.Ostrogradsky (mathematics), O.Bodiansky (linguistics), V.Antonovych (history), M.Maksymovych (ethnography and plant physiology), V.Filatov (medicine) and others.

The creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Science in 1918 was an event of historic import. At present, the National Academy of Science comprises 170 research centers with powerful research and productive facilities. All told there are some 2500 Doctors and 10000 Candidates of Science. There are 203 Academicians and 280 Corresponding members, plus 81 foreign members from 18 countries, including the USA, France, Germany, the UK, Italy, Japan.

The National Academy of Ukraine ranks with Europe’s leading scientific venues. Among its attainments are outstanding accomplishments in natural history and technology, along with contributions to sociology and the humanities.

Since 1962 its President has been Boris Paton. A great deal has been done in the leading sciences over the past several years. Thus, the world’s first laser data storage came as the result of complex developments by experts on informatics, physics, physical metallurgy and chemistry.

The National Academy of Ukraine maintains and expands international contacts with academies and research associations and centers in many countries.

26. Answer the questions:

1. What was the major venue of sciences in the 18th century? 2. What universally recognized Ukrainian scientists do you know? 3. Who is the president of the National Academy of Ukraine? 4. When was the Academy of Science created? 5. How many Doctors and Academicians does it comprise?

27. Change the active voice of the verbs into the passive one (Consult§ 28)

Example: This artist composed a masterpiece. – A masterpiece was composed by this artist.

1. He chose the artistic career. 2. This artist usually paints portraits. 3. The Royal Academy elected him academician. 4. He has sent the parcel already. 5. She will do her exercise in two minutes. 6. Yesterday he wrote two letters. 7. Roman will have read the book by next Sunday.

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