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Lesson 27

8. Matching sentences. Match the first part of the conversation on the left with the other part on the right then act it out.

1) Good morning. What do you complain of? a) How do I take the medicine?
2) Well, here’s the thermometer to take your temperature. I see that you don’t look well. b) How I hate being ill and staying in bed!
3) What is your temperature? d) Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.
4) Open your mouth and show me your throat. Oh yes, your throat is red. Now, let me listen to your heart and lungs. Breath. c) Thirty-eight.
5) You have a bad cold, Maggie. You must stay in bed for two days, until your temperature is normal and you stop coughing. e) And what should I take for headache?
6) But if you are not careful, you may fall ill with the flue or pneumonia. I’ll prescribe you some medicine. f) I feel bad. I have a headache, and I’m afraid I’m running a temperature.
7) A table spoonful three times a day. g) What’s the matter with me, doctor?
8) I’ll give you the pills for headache. If you don’t feel better, call me in. Goodbye. h) Besides, I have a cold in the head and my throat is sore.

9. Read the words and word-combinations with their translation:

to examine a patient – оглянути пацієнта

a treatment – лікування

to keep one’s bed – дотримуватись постільного режиму

an injection – ін’єкція

a flue – грип

to gargle – полоскати (горло); полоскання (для горла)

a chemist’s shop – аптека

to recover – видужувати

a throat – горло

complications – ускладнення

a disease – хвороба

to complain of – скаржитись на

10. Imaging you’ve got some of the following symptoms. Tell the doctor what’s wrong with you.

a cough a sore throat

a runny nose a headache

a high temperature you’re sneezing a lot

sprained ankle a bad cold

bad eyesight allergy

Write what you should do when you have any of the problems above. Use the words and expressions given in the box.

vitamins medicines an aspirin an X-ray hot lemon tea stay in bed doctor smoking hospital

11. Remember the phrases you need to talk to a dentist if you are abroad. Make up the dialogue.

a bad toothache

─ I have broken my tooth

a hole in my tooth

─ I want a tooth filled

─ A feeling has come out, I’m afraid.

─ Please, do something for the pain.

─ How much do I owe you?

─ Can you put a crown on this tooth?

a cavity – порожнина to pull out (a tooth) – вирвати

to make an injection – зробити укол to fill a tooth – запломбувати зуб

12. Which of these people are the healthiest? Put them in order. Explain the reasons for your decision.

1) Richard. Job: computer programmer (sits at a desk all day).

Exercise: playing football for an hour day.

Smoking/drinking: drinks beer sometimes.

Diet: eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.

2) Joanna. Job: air stewardess (on her feet most of the day, but quit often can’t sleep at night – in strange hotels around the world.

Exercise: three hours jogging twice a week.

Smoking/drinking: drinks half a bottle of wine per week.

Diet: not too bad, but eats a lot of rich, spicy foods when staying abroad; loves cakes and chocolate.

3) Susan. Job: manager in advertising (has a lot of stress).

Exercise: plays ping-pong every lunchtime.

Smoking/drinking: do not smoke, drinks champaigne on her birthday and on New Year’s Eve.

Diet: fresh food.

4) Dianna. Job: teacher at a secondary school (a lot of noise and stress, standing and walking round the classroom, sleepless nights because of lack of time for planning lessons and checking students’ papers).

Exercise: five minutes daily physical morning exercise in front of the open window.

Smoking/drinking: never drinks.

Diet: sandwiches chips at lunch, coffee three times a day, salad in the evening, tea and sandwiches at night.

5) You (Write about your way of life and the members of your family according to the similar plan. Compare the information and make the conclusions. Think of what you should change I your life to feel healthy, attractive and lively.)

13. Translate the sentences into Ukraine. Find the infinitives and set their forms.(Consult §§38 – 42)

1. I am glad to teach English here. 2. I’m happy to be going to Paris. 3. He is glad to have played chess with the world champion. 4. Peter is sorry not to have seen her. 5. We are glad to be taught English. 6. She is sorry not to have been invited to the evening party.

14. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the infinitive.(Consult §§38 – 42)

1. I’m happy (hear) of Tom’s success. 2. Mary was happy (see) them (past). 3. I’m thrilled (invite) to Mary’s party. 4. Mr. Brown was annoyed (see) two boys in his front garden. 5. Tom is disappointed (include) in the tennis team. 6. I am glad (listen) to symphony now.

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