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Lesson 28

15. Read out loud the following quotations translate them and say if you agree with these words.

v “The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself” (American president Franklin Roosevelt)

v “Mother planet is showing us the red warning light – be careful – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of your won house”. (The Dalai Lama)

v “Look after your planet, it’s the only one we have” (Prince Philip of Britain)

16. Learn and remember the following words and word combinations.

environment [in´vaiərənmənt] – навколишнє середовище

to pollute [pə´lu:t] – забруднювати

pollution [pə´lu:∫n] – забруднення

stuff – речовина

to point out – вказувати на

to deal with – мати справу з, займатися

to protect – захищати

pure [pjuə ] – чистий

to lessen [´lesn]–зменшувати

to save – рятувати, економити, відкладати, зберігати, позбавляти (чогось)

extinct [iks´tiŋkt]– вимерлий

to endanger –наражати на небезпеку

species [ ´spi:∫i:z]– види

to damage – руйнувати

a greenhouse – теплиця, парник

17. Find and underline the odd word out.

1) pollution, radiation, destruction, population, environment

2) to damage, to endanger, to destroy, to ruin, to create

3) safe, nuclear, dangerous, poisonous, harmful

4) paper, waste, glass, wood, plastic

5) habitat, fox, insect, reptile, pigeon

6) rare, valuable, disappearing, extinct, diseases

18. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. And thenanswer the questions:


nowadays serious environment shortage population nuclear noise wildlife endanger solve

(Note: fragile[´fræʤail] means delicate, easily or damaged.)

This word “environment” means simply what is around us. The air we breath, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part of the ______________(1). ____________(2) people understand how important it is to ___________(3) the environmental problems that ___________(4) people’s lives. The most _____________(5) environmental problems are:

§ pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, _____________(6) pollution);

§ destruction of _____________(7) and countryside beauty;

§ ____________(8) from cars, planes, trains;

§ _____________(9) of natural resources (water, metals, different kinds of fuel);

§ the growth of ______________(10).

What does the word “environment” mean?

What is associated in your mind with the word “environment”?

What are the most serious environmental problems of your region?

19. Read the text and find the main points of it.


People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment. Newspapers and magazines write about air pollution, land pollution and water pollution. They write that the Earth is our home and all people must take care of it. We must do everything possible to save the nature, to make our rivers and air clean. The importance of this task is pointed out by scientists. The branch of science that deals with the relation of living things to their environment is called ecology. From the point of view of ecology the mankind should first of all lessen pollution.

Forest areas and nature parks are of great importance for people’s health. It’s necessary to create nature parks. There are a lot of such parks in Ukraine. We have not only to protect them but to see that they multiply.

Considerable progress was made during the second half of the century: forest areas have been planted or replanted, millions of hectares of new forests are planted each year.

Nature has its rights, and it is the duty of man to respect and defend these rights.

20. Translate into English using infinitive.

1. Я радий запросити вас на вечір. 2. Я радий, що мене запрошують на вечір. 3. Я радий, що запросив їх на вечір. 4. Я радий, що мене запросили на вечір. 5. Я радий послати вам цю книжку. 6. Я радий, що послав їй цю книжку. 7. Я радий, що мене посилають на цю конференцію. 8. Я радий, що мене послали на цю конференцію.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 730 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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