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Некоторые функции и значения глагола to have

1. I have an interesting book. Я имею (у меня есть) интересную (-ая) книгу (-а).

Смысловой глагол со значением "обладать", "иметь".

То же значение имеет сочетание have got:

I have got an interesting book. Я имею (у меня есть) интересную (-ая) книгу (-а).
2. You have to pay a fine. Вы должны (вынуждены) уплатить штраф.

Модальный глагол со значением долженствования.

3. I have seen this film. Я видел этот фильм.

Вспомогательный глагол во временах группы Perfect.


I haven't seen you for ages!

Я не видел Вас целую вечность!

4. You may have your car repaired at the service station. Вы можете отремонтировать машину на станции техобслуживания.

Часть конструкции have +сущ. + Participle II, где действие, выраженное Participle II, выполняется не лицом, о котором идет речь в предложении (подлежащее предложения), а кем-то другим. Глагол have здесь не переводится на русский язык.

Ex. 12. Прочтите текст, обращая внимание на функции и значения глагола "to have".

Новые слова: tailor – портной; pull out – удалить; alter – изменять; suit – костюм; sleeve – рукав.

I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and have some teeth pulled out. Then I have got to see my doctor and have my heart examined. After lunch I will have my hair cut and then I will have myself measured for a suit. I will have it made by a good tailor this time. Last time I had to have the shoulders altered, the sleeves shortened, and the trousers lengthened. I hope they will have it ready for New Year.

Ex. 13. Прочтите диалог, обращая внимание на функции и значения глагола "to have".

Новые слова: to fill in – заполнять; application – заявление; capital – прописная буква; contagious – заразный; disease – болезнь; particulars – подробный отчет; concern – касаться; luckily – к счастью.

George: Will you show me... how to fill in this application form?

Mary: Have you got to do it... right now?

G.: Yes, it has to be... in the post... by Thursday morning.

M.: Well, first of all... you have to write your name... in capitals. You have to give your first name... but you don't have to give... your middle name. You have to put your address... on the next line... but you don't have to put it... in capitals.

G.: Do I have to give... the date of my birth?

M.: Yes, you do. And you have to state... whether you 've had any contagious disease.

You have to give... full particulars... about your present job... but you haven't got to say... why you want to leave it.

G.: Have I got to do it... in duplicate?

M.: No, in triplicate. You have to sign it... and you have to enclose... a stamped self-addressed envelope... if you want a reply.

G.: Have I got to send a photo?

M.: No, you don't.

G.: Have I got to answer... all the questions?

M.: No, you only have to answer... those that concern you.

G.: I 'll have to read... the instructions again. I mustn't make any mistakes.

M.: Will you have to have... an interview?

G.: Yes, I expect... I 'll have to go for one... next week. Luckily... I haven't got to pass... an examination. I haven't got to know... anything at all. It's personality that counts.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 316 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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