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Упражнения для чтения

Ex. 18. Просмотрите следующие слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы. Вспомните их значение. Переведите.

NOUNS (что?): (кто?): ADJECTIVES (какой?): ADVERBS (как?):
-sion, -tion -ance -er -al -ly
apprehension maintenance dispatcher criminal especially
situation -ness officer personal really
violation business customer - ic only
instruction -y -ant public certainly
description safety disputant domestic occasionally
abbreviation party tenant -y usually
-ity duty   noisy frankly
activity injury   contemporary  
majority felony   -able  
-ment     available  
enforcement     indictable  

Ex. 19. Прочтите и переведите на русский следующие синонимы:


precinct – police station manpower – personnel cause – reason kid – child tenant – resident safety – security hazard – danger incident – accident violation – breaking effective – efficient to respond – to answer contemporary – modern crime – offence, felony, misdemeanour, delinquency law-breaker – offender, criminal, felon juvenile troubles – kids disturbing routine – usual, mundane to warn – to prevent to quiet – to pacify to deal with – to handle to kill – to murder, to assassinate, to slay, to slaughter, take smb’s life, to massacre to realize – to understand injury – damage

Ex. 20. Ответьте вопросы.

1.When did the majority of incidents the police handled arise?

2. What did the police officer have to do?

3. When did the officers usually begin their shift?

4. What did the officers do during motorpatrolling?

5. What room became the center of the contemporary police precinct?

6. What language did the police officers prefer to use in their operational work?

Ex. 21. Перескажите текст в соответствии со следующим планом:

1. Two aspects of police work.

2. Incidents the police handle in their routine work.

3. The centre of contemporary precincts.

4. Abbreviations used for description of the incidents.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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