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Found to be a major pollutant in automobile exhausts. Automobile manufacturers have modified engines so that the engines can run properly on unleaded gasoline

Exercise 3. There are 14 verbs in the text which have the same form as nouns. Write out them and translate.

Exercise 4. Underline the suffixes. Translate the nouns.

Development, restriction, recycling, controlling, treatment, escaping, reducing, reprocessing.

Exercise 5. Write out terminological words and word combinations and translate them into Ukrainian.

Exercise 6. Write out the prepositions and put them into the correct columns.
Place Time Direction Case

Exercise 7. A great number of words have more than one meaning. Look through and remember them (Use your dictionary to translate them). SUPPORT (noun)

Help and encouragement that you give to a person or group of people;

Money that provides food, clothes and help for people;

In support of showing your approval of someone or something;

4) an object that carries the weight of something else: supports for the roof. SUPPORT (verb)

To say that you agree with an idea, group, or person and want them to succeed;

To hold the weight of something to prevent it from falling;

To help and encourage someone or something;

To provide someone with enough money for food, clothes and other things they need;

To help to show that something is true;

Especially British English to like a particular sports team and want them to win.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 348 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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