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Technogenic catastrophes. Chornobyl. Controlling pollution

UNIT 1 Controlling Pollution Exercise 1. Look through and remember the following words.
erode руйнувати
approach підхід
restriction обмеження
recycling вторинна переробка
pulp м'яка речовина
newsprint газетний папір
tire шина
ground-up розмолотий
trash сміття, мотлох
solid твердий
dump викидати (на звалище)
particulate частка
smokestack димар
trap поглинати
escape into the air попадати в повітря
additive домішка
remove усувати
pesticide f'pestisaid] пестицид
insect комаха
pest шкідник
dispose ліквідувати, позбавитися
ban забороняти

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Controlling Pollution Some lakes and rivers may already be so badly polluted that they may not be able to regain their health even if all pollution is stopped. Some soil has been too badly eroded to support crops any more. But in most areas, effective programs to prevent pollution could greatly improve en­vironmental conditions.

Several different approaches can be used to control pollution. Waste products can be saved and used again. New technological developments

Can help prevent pollution from older ones. Restrictions can be placed on the use of materials that pollute. These approaches may result in less convenience and higher costs, however.

Recycling. The reprocessing of waste products for reuse is called recycling. Many kinds of wastes can be recycled. Some, including cans and newspapers, can be used over and over again for the same purposes Cans can be melted down and used to make new cans. Old newspapers can be turned into pulp and then made into clean newsprint. Other materials, such as glass bottles and automobile tires, can be reused for other purposes. Ground-up glass can serve as an ingredient in road-building materials. Old tires can be melted down in a special process in which they give off valuable chemicals, such as oil and gas. Many communities have in­troduced programs that encourage households to sort their trash for re­cycling. Recycling programs can reduce the amount of solid wastes that must be dumped or burned.

New technological developments do much to control pollution caused by older technology. For example, several types of devices have been developed to prevent particulates from leaving industrial smokestacks. These devices include filters that trap particulates that would otherwise be released into the air with waste gases. Other devices use static electricity to keep particulates from escaping into the air. Still other devices wash out particulates with chemical sprays.

Various methods of reducing pollution from automobile engines have been developed. Examples include new additives to replace tetraethyl lead in gasoline, and devices to remove pollutants from exhaust and make combustion processes more complete.

An important development in agriculture is the use of biological con­trols instead of pesticides. Biological controls involve the use of various types of insects and bacteria to control pests. Other new developments have improved the effectiveness of water treaUnent facilities and provided new ways to dispose of solid wastes.

Restrictions on the use of materials that pollute can be extremely ef­fective in controlling pollution. But the restrictions may also cause incon­venience and require changes in ways of life.

The use of some harmful materials has been stopped or reduced with­out major problems resulting. For example, most industrial countries have banned the use of the dangerous pesticide DOT for all except essential purposes. Farmers have found other, less harmful pesticides to replace DDT. Oil companies now produce unleaded gasoline because lead was

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 508 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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