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Bland.__ addition, the plants and trees these areas help to moderate

Temperatures and curtail what is called the heat island effect (the heat island

Effect occurs _ big cities that have lots bricks, asphalt, and

Concrete which retains heat and causes the city to have a slightly higher temperature than the surrounding territory). Some soil has been too badly

Eroded to support crops any more. But most areas, effective programs

To prevent pollution could greatly improve environmental conditions. New

Technological developments can help prevent pollution older ones.

Restrictions can be placed______ the use materials that pollute. These

Approaches may result less convenience and higher costs, however.

Exercise 11. Put all types of questions to the following sentences. 1. The reprocessing of waste products for reuse is called recycling. 2. Ground-up glass can serve as an ingredient in road-building materials. 3. Several types of devices have been developed to prevent particulates from leaving industrial smokestacks. 4. Automobile manufacturers have modified engines so that the engines can run properly on unleaded gasoline. 5. Other new developments have improved the effectiveness of water treatment facilities

Exercise 12. Here are the answers to some questions. Write the questions.

Leaving industrial smokestack. 2. Recycling. 3. Restrictions. 4. Recycling programs. 5. Biological controls.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 370 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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