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Environmental pollution in the industrialized countries is reaching formidable proportions

2. For example, in Japan in 2003, it amounted to $ 50 billion.

3.In the United States in 2002, the damage caused by air pollution alone was as high as $ 85 billion.

4. Modern industrial production creates basically new materials and wastes hitherto non-existent in nature.

5. The influence exerted by new chemical substances on man has given rise to formerly unknown diseases.

6. The problem of a healthy environment has now become as vital as that of providing man with foodstuffs or energy.

Exercise 12. Write out verb forms except the verb to be and define their tense and voice forms, give the Infinitive.

Example: was given - Past Simple, Passive Voice - to be given.

Exercise 13. Characterize the problem of rational use of natural resources in different times:

- in the I9lh century,

- at the end of the 20th century.

Exercise 14. Make up the annotation to the text above in English.

Exercise 15. Read and translate the following article.

ECOLOGY IN UKRAINE (Rational use of natural resources) In Ukraine the rational use, conservation and reproduction of natural resources, a thrifty attitude towards nature is an integral part of the building of powerful Ukrainian economy. An enormous work has been done in Ukraine over the past few years on the rational use and reproduction of

natural resources, and the prevention and liquidation of adverse consequences of society's influence on the environment. The state allocates huge sums for env ironmental protection. There are many preserves, special nature reserves of nation-wide significance and many local reserves in Ukraine. The total number of preserves is to be increased by 2010, their area will be doubled, to amount to 2 per cent of the country's entire territory.

By using the latest scientific and technological means the state Program provides for further measures to control the environment and sources of its pollution. They envisage the introduction of new effective ways of developing mineral deposits, the elimination of harmful discharges into the atmosphere, combating production, transport and other noises, vibrations and the effect of electric and magnetic fields and radiation. The Program also provides for the comprehensive and rational utilization and protection of land, water and forest resources, for upgrading forecasting and minimizing the impact of industrial production on the environment, taking into account possible consequences when preparing and adopting various projects.

A large environmental improvement project is under way in Ukraine. In view of the water shortage in a number of regions and the impending growth of water consumption it is planned to oblige all branches of the national economy, particularly agriculture (in irrigation of land) to use water thriftily, and to increase the water resources of southern regions by territorially redistributing the drain.

To preserve the purity of water bodies provision is made for water protection measures, further large-scale construction of purifying installations in cities and rural areas, and in industry with a total daily carrying capacity of over 70 million cu m. Measures are carried out to prevent mineral fertilizers and toxic chemicals from being transferred from arable lands. Industry is facing the enormous task of introducing non-waste technology.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 393 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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