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Pharmacy in rehabilitation

I. Listen, read, translate, and remember the key words and phrases on the unit.

a) medication, performance, prevention, evaluation, pharmacology, media, abuse,

use, impact, purpose, list, substance, legality, ethics, pattern, society, pain, relief, acid, derivative, reason, clotting, inhibition, bleeding, swelling, effect, prescription, caution, irritation, dosage, dose, capability, fever, reduction, advantage, nausea, tinnitus, headache, drowsiness, vomiting, decongestant, congestion, suppression, sneezing, cough, dizziness, expectorant, sedation, constipation, alkalinity, antacid, diarrhea, onset, duration, protocol, guideline, disposition, uncertainty, consideration, inflammation, dehydration, cathartics, disorder, edema, response, anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity, enzyme, irritation, benefit, fluid, ailment, sputum

b) to respond, to concern, to receive, to disseminate, to regard, to identify, to

establish, to ban, to include, to debate, to reflect, to belong, to select, to decrease, to impair, to create, to increase, to affect, to administer, to require, to

indicate, to substitute, to cause, to exceed, to apply, to produce, to depress, to deal, to prescribe, to vie, to clarify, to encounter, to assess, to slow, to treat, to suppress, to prevent, to empty, to subside, to detect, to avoid, to yield,

c) prescribed, average, supervising, essential, responsible, acute, possible, involved, cognizant, widespread, related, profound, familiar, indiscriminate, (un)fortunate, misused, minor, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, cautious, irreversible, prolonged, direct, undesirable, gastric, significant, mild, somatic, similar, gastrointestinal, primary, topically, rebound, preferred, antitussive, moderate, antidiarrheals, transient, questionable, aware, accurate, simultaneously, hectic, subjunctive, banned, digestive, excessive

d) however, regarding, as well as, regarding, although, in general, even, because

of, thus, both … and, like, through, likewise, except for, as commonly, either,

while, nevertheless, therefore, until, from time to time

e) be of great value; under average circumstances; acid indigestions; heart burn, to give special consideration; potential effects; most commonly used; on occasion; to make decisions; side effects; over-the-counter and prescription medications; a sports-medicine environment; performance-enhancing drugs; drug testing; pain-relieving drugs; during recent years; at all levels; be based on hearsay and innuendo; WADA; to become commonplace; NSAIDs (non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents), aggregation of platelets; a bleeding risk; motion sickness; dryness of nasal mucosa; dry mouth; a chilled sensation; unproductive cough; sore throat; upset stomach; gas belching; abdominal discomfort; to maintain records; a medication administration log; initial screening; to keep the throat moist; lack of coordination, shortness of breath; post nasal drip

II. Listening Comprehension Text.


The use of medications prescribed for various medical conditions by qualified physicians may be of great value to the athlete as with any other individual in the population. Under average circumstances an athlete would be expected to respond to medication just as anyone else would. However, because of the nature of physical activity, the athlete's situation is not average; with intense physical activity, special consideration should be given to the effects of certain types of medication.

For the sports therapist supervising a program of rehabilitation, some knowledge of the potential effects of certain types of drugs on performance during the rehabilitation program is essential. The sports therapist working under the direction of a team physician is responsible for keeping the athlete healthy and ready to train and compete under physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding circumstances. The sports therapist should be concerned not only with rehabilitation but also with prevention, acute management, and evaluation of sports-related injuries. On occasion, the sports therapist must make decisions regarding the appropriate use of medications based on knowledge of the indications for use and the possible side effects in athletes who are involved in rehabilitation programs.

The sports therapist must be cognizant of the potential effects and side effects of over-the-counter and prescription medications on the athlete during rehabilitation, as well as during competition.

2.1 Listen to the text “The Use of Medications”.

2.2. Match the words from both columns.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 308 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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