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Joint arthrokinematics

For the sports therapist who is supervising a rehabilitation program, some understanding of the bio-mechanics of joint movement is essential. There are basically two types of movement that govern motion about a joint. Perhaps the better known of the two types of movement are the physiological movements that result from an active muscle contraction that moves an extremity through traditional cardinal planes including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation. The second type of motion is accessory motion. Accessory motions refer to the manner in which one articulating joint surface moves relative to another. Accessory motions are also referred to as joint arthrokinematics, which include spin, roll, and glide.

A, Spin B, Roll C, Glide  

I.1. Listen to the text “Joint Arthrokinematics”.

1.2. Answer the questions.

1. Is understanding of the bio-mechanics of joint movement essential for the sports therapist who is supervising a rehabilitation program? 2. How many types of movement that govern motion about a joint are there basically? 3. What type of movement results from an active muscle contraction that moves an extremity through traditional cardinal planes including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation? 4. Do accessory motions refer to the manner in which one articulating joint surface moves relative to another? 5. Which motions are referred to as joint arthrokinematics, which include spin, roll, and glide?

1.3. Retell the text.

II. Oral topic X.

MOBILIZATION AND TRACTION TECHNIQUES IN REHABILITTAION   Mobilization and traction techniques increase joint mobility or decrease pain by restoring accessory movements to the joint. Physiological movements result from an active muscle contraction that moves an extremity through traditional cardinal planes. Accessory motions refer to the manner in which one articulating joint surface moves relative to another. Normal accessory component motions must occur for full-range physiological movement to take place. Accessory motions are also referred to as joint arthrokinematics, which include spin, roll, and glide. The Convex-Concave Rule states that if the concave joint surface is moving on the stationary convex surface, gliding will occur in the same direction as the rolling motion. Conversely, if the convex surface is moving on a stationary concave surface, gliding will occur in an opposite direction to rolling. The resting position is one in which the joint capsule and the ligaments are most relaxed, allowing for a maximum amount of joint play. The treatment plane falls perpendicular to a line running from the axis of rotation in the convex surface to the center of the concave articular surface. Maitland has proposed a series of five graded movements or oscillations in the range of motion to treat pain and stiffness. Kaltenborn uses three grades of traction to reduce pain and stiffness. Kaltenborn emphasizes that traction should be used in conjunction with mobilization glides to treat joint hypomobility.  

2.1.Listen to the text of the oral topic “Mobilization and Traction Technique in Rehabilitation”.

2.2. Read and translate the text “Mobilization and Traction Technique in Rehabilitation”.

2.3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

ограниченная подвижность сустава, в сочетании с, скольжение, подчерки-

вать /выделять, восстановление способности к движению в суставах, три степени вытяжения, снижать болевой порог, тугоподвижность / скованность, движение взад и вперед /колебание /осцилляция, предлагать, вогнутая суставная поверхность, ось вращения, в противоположном направлении, неподвижная выгнутая поверхность, сочлененная суставная поверхность, вспомогательный /добавочный, физиологическое движение в полном объеме, правило гласит, состояние покоя, наоборот, верчение, вращение, конечность, главная плоскость, в том же направлении, максимальное количество свободного хода сустава

2.4. Answer the questions to the text.

1. How do mobilization and traction techniques increase joint mobility or

decrease pain? 2. From what do physiological movements result? 3. What kind of manner do accessory motions refer to? 4. What accessory motions does joint arthrokinematics include? 5. Which rule states that if the concave joint surface is moving on the stationary convex surface, gliding will occur in the same direction as the rolling motion? 6. When will gliding occur in an opposite direction to rolling? 7. When are the joint capsule and the ligaments most relaxed? 8. How does treatment plane fall? 9. What has Maitland proposed? 10. What does Kaltenborn use? 11. What does Kaltenborn emphasize?

2.5. Open the brackets and use the verbs in a proper tense form.


1. The techniques of joint mobilization (be used) to improve joint mobility or to decrease joint pain by restoring accessory movements to the joint and thus allowing full, nonrestricted, pain-free range of motion. 2. Mobilization techniques (may, be used) to attain a variety of treatment goals: reducing pain; decreasing muscle guarding; stretching or lengthening tissue surrounding a joint, in particular capsular and ligamen-tous tissue; reflexogenic effects that either (inhibit) or (facilitate) muscle tone or stretch reflex; and proprioceptive effects to improve postural and kinesthetic awareness. 3. Movement throughout a range of motion (can, be quantified) with various measurement techniques. 4. Physiological movement (be measured) with a goniometer and (compose) the major portion of the range.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1710 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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