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History of sensation

Awareness of the body and its relationship to the surrounding environment is mediated by the phenomenon of sensation. The history of sensation dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was the first to describe the five senses. Sir Charles Bell termed sensation as it relates to limb position and motion as the "sixth sense." This material will address articular sensation in its entirety since it mediates the perception of joint position and joint motion that regulates muscle contraction for movement and joint stabilization.

The relevance of articular sensation has been observed by a select few scientists over the past two centuries. The French neurologists Duchenne and Charcot drew attention to articular sensations in 1865, while Sherrington and Adrian received the Nobel prize in 1932 for their work on the mechanisms of sensation and were the first to describe proprioception. Abbott et al., in 1944, were the first to suggest that knee articular sensations were the first step in a kinetic chain that accounted for dynamic joint stabilization. More recently, Palmer demonstrated the role of proprioceptive input from knee ligaments in mediating the reflex contraction of the hamstrings and vastus medialis with resultant weakening of the reflex after ligament trauma. Also, current investigators, including Barrack et al., Barrett, and Lephart et al., have demonstrated that joint position perception is altered after articular pathology.


1. sensation - ощущение; чувство
2. awareness - осознание; осведомлённость
3. to mediate - служить промежуточным звеном
4. to term - выражать; называть
5. articular - суставной
6. in its entirety - полностью; в целом; во всей полноте
7. relevance - уместность
8. to draw attention - привлекать внимание
9. proprioception - способность регистрировать сигналы, возникающие в мышцах, сухожилиях, суставах и т.д.
10. kinetic chain - кинетическая (двигательная) цепь
11. input - предоставление сведений, данных
12. resultant - получающийся в результате
13. to alter -…изменяться

3.1. Listen to the text “History of Sensation”.

3.2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is the phenomenon of sensation by the definition from the text? 2. Who was the first one to describe the sensation? 3. In what way did Bell define the sensation? 4. In what meaning has sensation been addressed here? 5. Did many scientists study articular sensation over the past two centuries? 6. What are the merits of the French Neurologists in this field? 7. What reward did Sherrington and Adrian receive for their achievements? 8. Who was the first to describe proprioception? 9. Did Abbot or Palmer make the first step in a kinetic chain? 10. Current investigators have demonstrated that joint position perception is altered after articular pathology, haven’t they?

3.3. Complete the sentences with appropriate ending.

1. The Greek philosopher Aristotle described the sensation as …. 2. Sir Charles Bell termed sensation as …. 3. The French neurologists Duchenne and Charcot drew attention to …. 4. Sherrington and Adrian received the Nobel prize in 1932 for their work on …. 5. Abbott et al., in 1944, were the first to suggest that …. 6. Palmer demonstrated …. 7. Current investigators, including Barrack et al., Barrett, and Lephart et al., have demonstrated that ….

3.4. Discuss the text “History of Sensation”.

3.5. Give a talk on “History of Sensation”.

    Shoulder wobble board exercise.  

IV. Text I.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 351 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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