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Traction-mobilization techniques

- What kind of technique is traction?
- Traction refers to a technique involving pulling on one articulating segment to produce some separation of the two joint surfaces
- Is traction performed parallel or perpendicular to the treatment plane?
- While mobilization glides are done parallel to the treatment plane, traction is performed perpendicular to the treatment plane.
- When is traction used?
- Like mobilization techniques, traction may be used to either decrease pain or to reduce joint hypomobility.
- What system has Katlenborn proposed?
- Kaltenborn has proposed a system using traction combined with mobilization as a means of reducing pain or mobilizing hypomobile joints.
- Do all joints have a certain amount of joint play or looseness?
- As discussed earlier, all joints have a certain amount of joint play or looseness. Kaltenborn referred to this looseness as slack.  

2.10. Study a picture and text below. Discuss them with your group mates in class.

Traction refers to a technique involving pulling on one articulating segment to produce some separation of the two joint surfaces. While mobilization glides are done parallel to the treatment plane, traction is performed perpendicular to the treatment plane. Like mobilization techniques, traction may be used to either decrease pain or to reduce joint hypomobility. Kaltenborn has proposed a system using traction combined with mobilization as a means of reducing pain or mobilizing hypomobile joints. As discussed earlier, all joints have a certain amount of joint play or looseness. Kaltenborn referred to this looseness as slack. Some degree of slack is necessary for normal joint motion. Kaltenborn's three traction grades are defined as follows:


Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 395 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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