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Reestablishing proprioception, kinesthesia, joint position sense, and neuromuscular control in rehabilitation

I. Listen, read, translate and remember the key words and phrases on the unit.

a) mobilization, traction, pendulum, regimen, flexion, advent, spin, glide, axis, plane, extremity, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, surface, condyle, compression, oscillation, surface, femur, malignancy, stiffness, guarding, awareness, continuum, laxity, taping, splinting, bracing, severity, thrust, brain, indication, looseness, relief, sensitivity, approach, inhibition, discharge, recruitment, stimulus, spasticity, excitability, phenomenon, disability, sequence, implementation, anxiety, apprehension, deprivation, precursor, fatigue, confidence, environment, assessment, succession, resumption, swelling, setback, reinforcement, enhancement, susceptibility    
b) to incorporate, to attribute, to initiate, to regain, to govern, to articulate, to emphasize, to reduce, to restore, to surround, to inhibit, to facilitate, to quantify, to measure, to compose, to respond, to remain, to complain, to avoid, to tighten, to eliminate, to mediate, to deal, to rely, to relieve, to strive, to enhance, to endure, to predict, to overlap, to evaluate, to curtail, to gauge, to hamper, to disturb, to retrain, to minimize, to roll, to glide    
c) slight, accessory, longitudinal, radial, humeroradial, femoral, congruent, curved, concave, convex, congenital, stationary, virtually, simultaneous, conversely, reflexogenic, postural, precise, surrounding, accessory, slack, oscillating, alternating, straightforward, initial, intermittent, cutaneous, bony, auditory, subliminal, facilitory, inhibitory, excessive, afferent, excitatory, inhibitory, apparently, subsequent, complete, encountered, solid, sudden, immediate, crucial, opportune, appropriate, postural, alternating    
d) as well as, nevertheless, since, whereas, thus, either, beyond, within, however, thus, therefore, likewise, towards, rather than, straightforward  
e) PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular techniques); in conjunction with; to attain goals; bony arrangement; the spinal cord; corticospinal tract, muscle spindles; spinal cord; voluntary contraction; reciprocal inhibition; SAID principle (specific adaptation to imposed demands); in clinical setting; the imposed demands; high-velocity tackle; to perform athletic endeavors; to meet the demands; preset criteria; use of sensory cues; on the ratio; subliminal fringe area; alpha motor neurons

II. Oral topic IX.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 538 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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