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Proprioception and injured athlete

- What is important for an injured athlete?
- It is essential that an injured athlete redevelop the feel of awareness of where the body part is located at all times.
- How can it be achieved?
- Depending on the injury, this can be accomplished in many ways.
- How is it?
- The wobble or tilt board may be used for leg injuries.
- And what else can help proprioception?
- Other balance activities, such as standing on one foot and springing upward on a bouncer, can help proprioception.
- Should you keep any succession in activities here?
- It is necessary that proprioception be restored before coordination, agility, and speed activities are attempted.

2.9. Give a talk on “Isokinetics Principles in Rehabilitation”.

Proprioceptive testing device

a = rotational transducer; b = motor; c = moving arm; d = stationary arm;

e = control panel;/ = digital microprocessor; g == hand-held disengage switch;

h = pneumatic compression boot; i = pneumatic compression device;

TTDPM (threshold to detection of passive motion) is assessed by measuring the angular displacement until the subject senses motion in the knee.

III. Listening Comprehension Text

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 375 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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