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One of the most frequently used immediate treatment management acronyms is PRICE: P rotection, R estricted activity, I ce, C ompression, and E levation.

Protection means protecting the injured area from further insult, which may be performed in a variety of ways, including padding and strapping. With more serious injuries or when there is doubt as to the severity of an injury, protection may also include slings, splints, and assistive ambulatory devices.

Restricted activity is probably the most controversial aspect of the PRICE treatment program. It protects an injury from further damage. Restricted activity in the form of rest may be indicated for some serious injuries; however, prolonged immobilization may lead to a decreased functional length of musculotendinous tissue and decreased sport performance. Therefore the term restricted activity is preferred to rest. Restricted activity allows the athlete to participate at the maximally safe level.

Ice application produces a decrease in metabolic production and therefore lowers the cell's oxygen and nutrient requirements. In turn, these reduced requirements decrease blood flow, edema, and muscular fatigue. Decreased pain is also noted. Cold application may be provided in many ways, including ice packs, ice massage, cold whirlpool, inflatable splints with refrigerant gas, and ice towels.

Compression may be performed with tape, wraps, compression sleeves, exercise, massage, or intermittent compression devices. The purpose of compression is to enhance lymphatic and venous return, normalize osmotic pressure, minimize fluid accumulation in the intercellular space, and hence minimize swelling and edema at the injury site.

Elevation of the injured part also assists in this process and is accomplished via gravity by raising the injured part higher than the heart.

  PRICE. PRICE is a commonly used acronym in the immediate treatment of injuries  


1. insult - повреждение
2. padding - фиксирование с помощью прокладок, имеющих форму подушки
3. strapping - фиксирование с помощью лейкопластыря
4. slings - фиксирование с помощью перевязи, повязок
5. splints - шины, лонгеты, лубки
6. assistive ambulatory devices - вспомогательные амбулаторные устройства
7. controversial - противоречивый
8. restricted activity - ограниченная деятельность
9. cell’s oxygen and nutrient requirements - потребности клетки в кислороде и питательных веществах
10. blood flow - кровоток
11. muscular fatigue - мышечная усталость
12. whirlpool - вихревая ванна
13. inflatable splints - надувные шины
14. refrigerant gas - охлаждающий гас
15. tape - бинт, лента, «тейп»
16. wraps - обёртки
17. compression sleeves - давящие рукава
18. intermittent - интермиттирующий, прерывистый (с промежутками полного покоя между периодами активности)
19. venous return - отток венозной крови
20. osmotic pressure - осмотическое давление
21. fluid accumulation - накопление жидкости
22. intercellular space - межклеточное пространство

8.1. Listen to the text “PRICE”.

8.2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What does acronym “PRICE” mean? 2. What stands for “Protection”? 3. How can it be performed? 4. What is the aim of restricted activity? 5. Which of the following is more referable here: restricted activities or rest? 6. What does ice application result in? 7. What do these reduced requirements decrease? 8. What procedures and devices can be provided fro cold application? 9. What things can be used for compression? 10. What is the purpose of compression? 11. What is the role of elevation in this process?

8.3. Complete the sentences with logical endings.

1. Protection means …. 2. Restricted activity is …; it protects an injury from …. 3. Ice application produces … and therefore …. 4. Compression may be performed with …. 5. The purpose of compression is …. 6. Elevation of the injured part also … and is accomplished via gravity by ….

8.4. Give a talk on “PRICE”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 343 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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