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Writing a Resume When Applying for a Job

Recommendations and Advice

Resumes and prior preparation play an important role in getting the job you dreamed about as the job can be lost on the basis of an interview only. The interviewer usually sees the resume before he sees the applicant. The resume gives the first impression of the applicant to the employer. It should be neat and well organizes.

It starts with the applicant’s name, date of birth, marital status, address and telephone number, then it gives an employment objective, educational and training data, as well as previous work experience. The resume should clearly reflect the applicant’s qualifications for the work(s) he wants now.

First you should decide what to stress and what to leave out. All confusing, secondary information, facts and details which don’t count must be left out.

In your resume you should stress facts that describe your professional experience, advanced knowledge, you should tell about your strengths which will let you do the job you are applying for.

Usually some references are requested to confirm the information you give in your resume (or CV – Curriculum Vitae). It is recommended to attach them or write “References available on request” which means that you are ready to produce them any time you are asked to do that.

Here are the summarized points of what has been written here.

1.Personal data: name (family name, other names/ = first name and second name(s)/), age (date of birth), marital status (single, married, separated, divorced), number of children, address, phone number.

2.Objective/Position applied for: kind of position and professional responsibilities you are looking for.

3.Experience: names of jobs, places, dates, and descriptions of what exactly you did and were responsible for.

4.Education: list of educational institutions you attended (specifying the dates); subject areas you studied and degrees you got.

5.Other: any information which could be helpful (computer skills, special skills, languages you speak, driver’s license, hobbies, etc.)

6.References: names and addresses of two or three references (people who can recommend you for the position and confirm your characteristics). Or, you can write “References available on request”.


Name: Stephen Lo

Present address: 2315 South Sierra Drive,

San Diego, California,

CA 92128

Telephone: (619) 076-5581

Date of birth: Oakland, California

Education: 1977-84 Millard Fillmore Elementary School

Oakland, Calif.

1984-88 James Garfield High School,

Oakland, Calif.

Graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration

Employment history:

Summer vacations: 1987-1991. Camp counselor, Camp Redwoods,

Mendocino County, Calif.

Archery and swimming instructor.

1992-present: Administrative Assistant, Soledad Computers,

Pacific Beach, San Diego.

Foreign languages: Chinese – excellent, Spanish – fair

I have a California driver’s license.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 620 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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