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Request Letters

What’s a Request Letter?

It’s not only a businessman who has to write request letters. The reasons for writing a request letter can be various: to obtain information, to make reservations (at hotels, restaurants, theatres), to ask for special favours (permission, assistance, financial support, appointment), to receive booklets, catalogues, price lists, sample products etc.

Tact and courtesy are essential if you want your reader to act immediately you must encourage them to do it. That’s why, all request letters should be specific, brief and reasonable, providing complete and accurate information.

Letters of Confirmation

Always respond to correspondence if you don’t want to lose a useful contact. Confirming a telephone call or a letter is a natural way to be effective in your contacts. Such confirmations can be made by telephone, but a formal letter effectively transmits clear, correct, and complete information, especially when it is required to make a large numbers of confirmations.

The letter of confirmation should contain:

1. Reference to the previous contact;

2. The reason for writing;

3. The matter of this contact (requesting, agreeing to a request, apologizing, giving news, etc.);

4. Reference to future contacts.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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