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Types of Business Letters

Cover Letters

What’s a Cover Letter?

Never send a resume without a cover letter when you apply for a job. But remember that the employer will receive hundreds of resumes and cover letters from people that are applying for a job you want to get. Your aim is to stand out from the other candidates.

A good cover letter explains why you are the best candidate for this position. It should motivate the employer to read your resume and invite you to be interviewed for the position you are seeking.

Basically, a cover letter expands on your resume and gives you a chance to write about yourself in a more personal way. Cover letters are not too formal – don’t write in a “rubber stamp” way. It should sound friendly and genuine. Employers are more likely to hire real people, not robots.

A cover letter should reflect your personality, but don’t forget about your audience. Catchy opening sentences are good for creative jobs and advertising, but won’t be appreciated if you apply for a position requiring serious analytical work.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

Send your letter to the high-ranked people in the company, who responsible for hiring the personnel.

Address each employer by name and title. Don’t send a “Dear Sir/Madam” letter – it’s too impersonal.

Start your letter with an attention-grabbing sentence that will make your reader take notice.

Keep your letter short to hold the reader’s interest. Three to five paragraphs are recommended.

Appeal to the self-interest of the person who you are writing to. Give clues that indicate that hiring you will be useful and profitable for the company.

Use simple vocabulary and proper grammar. State why the company interests you. Your letter should reflect your personality, but avoid being too aggressive or humorous.

Close with a statement that indicates some action. For example: I will call you in five days to set up an interview.

Check for grammar and spelling errors. This letter will give the first impressions of your writing skills and how you present yourself.

The Two Types of Cover Letters

There are two types of cover letters. One is used in submitting a letter in reply to an advertisement, it is known as a “standard” or “solicited” cover letter. Such a type is also used when someone has referred you to a company.

The second kind of cover letters is called a “broadcast”, or “unsolicited” cover letter. This type is used when you apply to a company that interests you, but when no known opening is available. This is a part of “the hidden job market”.

Solicited cover letters are easier to write for an obvious reason – you know what the employer wants, what criteria will be appreciated and you’re sure that your material is expected.

In unsolicited submissions, it’s more important to make your reader feel that what you have to say and what you offer is worthy of their time and attention.

Cover Letter Layout

(1) Your name

Mailing address

Telephone number

E-mail address

(2) Today’s date

(3) Your addressee’s name

Professional title

Organization name

Mailing address

(4) Dear Mr (or Ms) last name

(5) Start your letter with an attention-grabbing statement which will get you connected with your reader. Then state the position you are applying for and where you’ve heard about it. Immediately give the reasons why your background makes you the best candidate for this position.

(6) This section usually includes one or two paragraphs that give relevant information about your qualifications. But don’t just summarize your resume, it’s better to show how these qualifications can benefit the company you are applying to and what you could contribute. Based on the results of your research emphasize your knowledge about the company and your familiarity with the industry it is in.

(7) The last paragraph initiates your further action. Here, you should request an interview. Include your phone number and the hours you can be reached. Say “thank you” in the end.

(8) Sincerely yours,

Your handwriting signature

Your name (typed)

(9) Enclosure: resume

Thank-You Letters

What’s a Thank-You Letter?

It is a part of business etiquette to send thank-you letters. A thank-you letter can help you stand out from the other candidates. A thank-you letter should be sent before the hiring decision has been made, so it is best to mail it as soon as possible after the interview.

By sending a thank-you letter, you give the employer a chance to remember you, to distinguish you from other candidates, to remember your specifics. It is your opportunity to say any important information you didn’t discuss during the interview.

There are several situations that require a thank-you letter after an employment interview: when someone gives you job search assistance and after a company visit or other career exploration activity.

Thank-You Letter Layout

(1) Your address

(not your name)

(2) Date

(3) Name and address

you are writing to

(4) Greeting

(5) Fist paragraph: Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. Mention the date. Remind of the position for which you were interviewed.

(6) second paragraph: Restate your interest in the position. Emphasize your strengths, experiences, skills, accomplishments and slant them from the point of view of your employer.

(7) Third paragraph: Once again, thank the employer for the time and consideration. Close with a suggestion for further action, or say that you will give a phone call in a few days. Provide your phone number and the hours you can be reached.

(8) Closing


Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 435 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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