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Birth of Great Britain, Act of Union in 1707

Task 12. Pick out sentences where the following Phrasal verbs are used. Explain the meaning of these phrases:

- To take something lying down

- To be left out of some of the decisions

- To break out into a full crisis

The Bill of Rights made it absolutely clear that no Catholic could be king or queen of England. This infuriated the Scots who were determined not to take it lying down. Glorious Revolution was rather alarming to many in Scotland. They worried that in the future they might be left out of some of the big decisions. The English were terrified that the Scots would one day appoint a king or a queen who was Catholic and might attack England. This mutual distrust broke out into a full crisis in 1707.

Queen Anne Heraldic badge of Queen Anne, depicting the Tudor rose and the

Scottish thistle growing out of the same stem.

Task 13. Find sentences with the phrasal verbs (To take over, t o shy away from underhand methods) and answers to the following questions. Use the key words in brackets.

Why did the sudden death of Queen Ann’s son cause a political crisis?

1) (an heir to the throne, to put the Protestant succession into complete turmoil (неразбериха), to bring the terrible prospect of the return of the Catholic James II, to be utterly horrified by the possibility of Catholicism returning to England)

2) What did the English Parliament decide to do not to have a Catholic heir? Did the Scottish Parliament approve of this decision? (to decree that the crown should pass to, to elect a German dynasty to rule over, to choose their own monarch, to be almost a declaration of war)

3) How did England manage to get the approval from the Scottish Parliament? (to retaliate with fierce economic sanctions and threats, the Scots living in England were to be treated as hostile aliens, all imports of Scottish linen, cattle and coal would be banned, to find their land confiscated, Scottish economy almost bankrupt, to keep legal and educational systems, to keep Presbyterian church, to seal the hostile takeover, not to shy away from underhand methods, to vote themselves out of existence, equivalent of 55 million pounds in compensation)

4) What did the Scots gain by the Act of Union 1707? (political / economic freedom, to trade without being taxed)

Task 14. Find more about Queen Anne* and the Acts of Union* from cultural commentary.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 384 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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